
2022-06-09 20:43:27

  GMAT feifei逻辑是非常难找的,一票难求,我们为大家整理了完整版的GMAT feifei逻辑题及解析的相关内容,同学们可到GMAT逻辑内容:gmat逻辑题解题技巧之feifei逻辑真题解析

  Although 90 percent of the population believes itself to be well informed about health care, only 20 percent knows enough about DNA. So apparently at least 80 percent of the population does not know enough about medical concepts to make well-informed personal medical choices or to make good public policy decisions about health care.

  The argument’s reasoning is questionable because the argument fails to demonstrate that

  A. those people who can understand newsstories about DNA are able to make well-informed personal medical choices

  B. morethan 20 percent of the population needs to be well informed about health carefor good public policy decisions about health care to be made

  C. one’s being able to make well-informed personal medical choices ensures that onemakes good public policy decisions about health care

  D. an understanding of DNA is essential to making well-informed personal medical choices or to making good public policy decisions about health care

  E. since 90 percent of the population believes itself to be well informed about healthcare, at least 70 percent of the population is mistaken in that belief.虽然90%的人都认为自己很懂health care,但是只有20%的人足够了解→结论:所以说 至少80%的人医疗知识根本不够,因而无法做出health care方面正确的决定

  思路:这里很明显就一个gap. 为什么不懂DNA的80%就不懂医学不会做决定了呢?本题的推论错误在于以偏概全,用对DNA的了解程度来考核well informed about health care的程度。

  A: 支持作者的观点 杀

  B: 无关

  C: 无关



