GMAT prep逻辑笔记

2022-05-30 13:58:24

  GMAT prep逻辑笔记!对于

  Trancorp currently transports all its goods to Burland Island by truck. The only bridge over the channel separating Burland from the mainland is congested, and trucks typically spend hours in traffic. Trains can reach the channel more quickly than trucks, and freight cars can be transported to Burland by barges that typically cross the channel in an hour. Therefore, to reduce shipping time, Trancorp plans to switch to trains and barges to transport goods to Burland.

  Which of the following, if true, casts most serious doubt on whether Trancorp's plan will succeed?

  A. It does not cost significantly more to transport goods to Burland by truck than it does to transport goods by train and barge.

  B. The number of cars traveling over the bridge into Burland is likely to increase slightly over the next two years.

  C. Because there has been so much traffic on the roads leading to the bridge between Burland and the mainland, these roads are in extremely poor condition.

  D. Barges that arrive at Burland typically wait several hours for their turn to be unloaded. E. Most trucks transporting goods into Burland return to the mainland empty.

  1. 由问题问法得知,此题是评估类的题目。

  2. 找到前提和结论:

  结论句是:“To reduce shipping time, Trancorp plans to switch to trains and barges to transport

  goods to Burland.”

  3. 判断推理模式:

  通过前提和结论的关系,首先可以排除类比,统计枚举。本题涉及一个方案,所以我们考虑一下是否是方案推理。方案是“Trancorp plans to switch to trains and barges to transport goods to Burland.”。但是,我们发现,该方案是被论证过存在性的。前提中已经说了,选取火车和驳船的原因是他们比较快,所以该题目为因果模式推理。



  4. 找到答案方向:

  因果模式推理有两个CQ: CQ1:因果概括问题。 CQ2:干扰因素问题。



  A. 用汽车送货到Burland不会显著的比用火车或者驳船送货到Burland贵。该文段整个考虑的是


  B. 在未来的两年内,通过到达Burland的桥来到达Burland的汽车数量将会上升。该选项显然涉

  及的是用汽车可能的问题,不涉及“因”。 C. 因为有太多的汽车走大桥了,所以那些路的状况都很差。依然是涉及汽车的问题,不涉及“因”。 D. Correct. 到达Burland的驳船需要等很长的一段时间来卸货。该选项涉及“因”的一个特殊


  E. 大部分的送货到Burland的汽车都会空车返回。与A相同,可能是汽车这个方案的一个副作用,


  以上就是关于“GMAT prep逻辑笔记”的内容,相信大家对接下来的备考内容,有更清晰的了解。GMAT考试成绩的高分,并不是一蹴而就的,大家还是需要踏踏实实的练习备考,才能真正的提升我们的分数。
