
2022-06-13 10:02:37


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  (Line) In Winters v. United States (1908), the Supreme

  Court held that the right to use waters flowing through through

  or adjacent to the Fort Berthold Indian Reservation

  was reserved to American Indians by the treaty

  (5) establishing the reservation. Although this treaty did

  not mention water rights, the Court ruled that the

  federal government, when it created the reservation,

  intended to deal fairly with American Indians by

  preserving for them the waters without which their

  (10) lands would have been useless. Later decisions, citing

  Winters, established that courts can find federal rights

  to reserve water for particular purposes if (1) the land

  in question lies within an enclave under exclusive

  federal jurisdiction, (2) the land has been formally

  (15) withdrawn from federal public lands — i.e., withdrawn

  from the stock of federal lands available for private

  use under federal land use laws — and set aside or

  reserved, and (3) the circumstances reveal the

  government intended to reserve water as well as land

  (20) when establishing the reservation.

  Some American Indian tribes have also established

  water rights through the courts based on their

  traditional diversion and use of certain waters prior to

  the United States’ acquisition of sovereignty. For

  (25) example, the Rio Grande pueblos already existed when

  the United States acquired sovereignty over New

  Mexico in 1848. Although they at that time became

  part of the United States, the pueblo lands never

  formally constituted a part of federal public lands; in

  (30) any event, no treaty, statute, or executive order has

  ever designated or withdrawn the pueblos from public

  lands as American Indian reservations. This fact,

  however, has not barred application of the Winters

  doctrine. What constitutes an American Indian

  (35) reservation is a question of practice, not of legal

  definition, and the pueblos have always been treated

  as reservations by the United States. This pragmatic

  approach is buttressed by Arizona v. California (1963),

  wherein the Supreme Court indicated that the manner

  (40) in which any type of federal reservation is created

  does not affect the application to it of the Winters

  doctrine. Therefore, the reserved water rights of

  Pueblo Indians have priority over other citizens’ water

  rights as of 1848, the year in which pueblos must be

  (45) considered to have become reservations.
