
2022-06-02 04:33:27



  Gasoline-powered boat engines manufactured in the a North American country prior to

  1990 contribute significantly to the pollution found in the world’s oceans. (Fact)

  In 1990, however, the government imposed stricter pollution controls on gasoline engines

  manufactured for boats, and beginning in 1995, the government imposed a program of

  inspections for pre-1990 boat engines with increasingly rigorous pollution standards. (Fact)

  As the older boat engines fail to pass inspection, boat owners are increasingly

  retiring their old engines in favor of newer, less-polluting boat engines.

  (The evidence showed in the patten of cause and effect )

  As a result, the amount of pollution these older boat engines emit into the world’s

  oceans will steadily decrease over the next ten years. (Conclusion)


  Plants that exhibit certain leaf diseases tend to measure extremely high in the

  amount of zinc in their leaf and stem tissue. (Fact or Background)

  Botanists have discovered that phosphorus of the type typically used in a phosphorus-high

  fertilizer reacts with the zinc in such a way as to prevent treated plants from exhibiting the

  leaf diseases, and zinc is the cause and not merely an effect of the leaf diseases.

  (The second evidence found by the author of passage)

  Thus, plants can be cured from these leaf diseases by the use of a fertilizer high in

  phosphorus. (Conclusion)


  To be accepted as a member at the Brown Country Club, one must have a net worth of

  over ten million dollars and must not have any connections to the entertainment industry.

  Robert Chase, the publishing magnate, has a net worth of 5 billion dollars and

  Chase has not financed any Hollywood movies,

  (The part of evidence in support of this argument)

  so he must be accepted as a member at the Brown Country Club.

  (The conclusion that could not be drawn from all evidences that the argument

