
2022-05-25 15:37:53

  461.Judge Forer recognizes that the American judicial system provides more safeguards for accused persons than does the legal system of any other country, but she believes there is a great disparity between the systems of justice accorded rich and poor.

  (A) for accused persons than does the legal system of any other country

  (B) to accused persons as the legal system of any country

  (C) for accused persons as the legal system of any country

  (D) to accused persons as the legal system of any other country

  (E) for accused persons than the legal system of any country

  the key:A。

  比较考点:比较对象。the American judicial system——the legal system of any other country

  491.Local residents claim that San Antonio, Texas, has more good Mexican American restaurants than any city does in the United States.

  (A) any city does

  (B) does any other city

  (C) other cities do

  (D) any city

  (E) other cities

  the key:B

