Question 1
定位原文:“The run starts at the café”
Question 2
答案:9/nine am/9/nine o'clock
What time is the run??
Well the actual run begins at 9 am but the runners start arriving at about 8:45.
解题思路:What time is the run??提示下文即将讨论跑步开始时间。定位到Well the actual run begins at 9 am but the runners start arriving at about 8:45. 回答者提到两个时间, 根据actual,“实际上” 选择第一个时间 9 am 为正确答案, 干扰时间8:45,指的是跑者从8点45就有开始到达的了。
Question 3
答案:5/five km/kilometres/kilometers
How long is the run?
Well it used to be three kilometres but most people wanted to do a bit more than that so we lengthened it to five kilometres.
解题思路:How long is the run? 提示下文将讨论跑步的长度,注意long是length的同义转述。定位到Well it used to be three kilometres but most people wanted to do a bit more than that so we lengthened it to five kilometres. 这句话有两个词汇需要理解,used to be是“过去是,过去常常”的意思,lengthen是“加长”的意思,lengthen 和 length 同词根, lengthen to是 “加长到某长度”的意思,所以跑步行程长度是lengthen to后面提到的5千米。
Question 4
答案: (a) bar(-)code/(a) barcode/bar code
定位原文:when you cross the finish line… you'll be given a bar code and you take this to one of the run volunteers, who will scan it.
解题思路:when you cross the finish line…提示下文将讨论终点的活动是什么,注意cross the finish line是at end of run的同意转述。定位到you'll be given a bar code and you take this to one of the run volunteers, who will scan it. 注意这里答案bar code出现在了定位词volunteers之前。此处做题技巧是先把bar code写下来, 如果再出现其它答案再进行修改。
Question 5
答案: website/web site
How do I register?
I could take your details over the phone but it's much easier if you do it using the website.
解题思路:How do I register??提示下文将讨论注册方式,定位到 I could take your details over the phone but it's much easier if you do it using the website. 注意much easier是best的同义转述, using 是way的同义转述。
Question 6
Do you collect money each week?
Well it doesn't cost anything to register but we do charge for the run. In fact we have just increased the charge to £1.50.
解题思路:Do you collect money each week??提示下文将讨论到付费,定位到Well it doesn't cost anything to register but we do charge for the run. In fact we have just increased the charge to £1.50. charge是cost的同义转述,注意填空题处问的是cost of run,而不是cost of register,in fact后面提到的费用才是cost of run。increase to…是 “增加到”某个数量, increase by是“增加了”某个数量或某个百分比。
Question 7
定位原文:No - just a bit more complicated - it's M-A-U-G-H-A-N。
解题思路:I didn’t catch his surname, was it Mom - M-O-R-N? 提示下文即将说出名字的拼写。定位到No - just a bit more complicated - it's M-A-U-G-H-A-N。注意在Section 1中出现的一个个字母拼出来的名字或街道名一定是考点,考生一定要快速记下, 因为只报一遍不重复。在此对话中先是报了一个错的,再报一个对的,两个都记下,填写正确的即可。
Question 8
定位原文:I think the one that begins 0-1-2-7-3 is an old one so use this one: it's 0-1-4- double 4-7-3-2-9-double zero.
解题思路:Could you give me his phone number??提示下文即将给出电话号码。定位到I think the one … double zero. 回答者提到两组数字,都要记下来,填空的时候舍弃old one,填后面给出的数字01444732900。注意要对 double 这个单词敏感,听到马上写两个重复的数字。如果听到triple 就写三个重复的数字,这是一个非常常见的 Section 1 的考点。
Question 9
定位原文:well we need volunteers for basic stuff like setting up the course和…she can also help with guiding the runners so they don't go the wrong way.
解题思路:What kind of activities it involves? 提示下文将讨论活动内容,定位到well we need volunteers for … go the wrong way. “setting up the course” 和 “guiding the runners”都是活动内容,而且通过also可以确定setting 和guiding是并列的引出活动内容的动词形式,所以直接记下guiding填到填空中。
Question 10
答案:taking/take photos/photographs
定位原文:Well my friend really likes taking photographs.
解题思路: In fact we do a weekly report on each race and we always try to illustrate it. 提示下文将讨论到周报的方式或内容,illustrate是 “(用示例、图画等)说明,解释”的意思,下文对话中提到的well my friend really likes taking photographs,“照相”即是illustrate方式的一种。