
2022-06-04 02:36:50


  WOMAN: Hello,West Bay Hotel.Can I help you?

  MAN: Oh,good morning.I'm ringing about youradvertisement in the Evening Gazette.

  WOMAN: Is that the one for temporary staff?

  MAN: That's right.

  WOMAN: Yes.I'm afraid the person who's dealingwith that isn't in today,but I can give you the maindetails if you like.

  MAN: Yes please.Could you tell me what kind of staffyou are looking for?

  WOMAN: We're looking for waiters at the moment.There was one post for a cook,but that'salready been taken.

  MAN: Oh right.Erm,what are the hours of work?

  WOMAN: There are two different shifts - there's a day shift from 7 to 2 and a late shift from 4till 11.

  MAN: And can people choose which one they want to do?

  WOMAN: Not normally,because everyone would choose the day shift I suppose.You alternatefrom one week to another.

  MAN: Okay.I'm just writing all this down.What about time off?

  WOMAN: You get one day off and I think you can negotiate which one you want,it's more orless up to you.But it has to be the same one every week.

  MAN: Do you know what the rates of pay are?

  WOMAN: Yes,I've got them here.You get £5.50 an hour,and that includes a break.

  MAN: Do I have to go home to eat or...

  WOMAN: You don't have to.You can get a meal in the hotel if you want to,and there's nocharge for it so you might as well.

  MAN: Oh good.Yes,so let's see.I'd get er,two hundred and twenty one,no,two hundred andthirty one pounds a week?

  WOMAN: You'd also get tips - our guests tend to be quite generous.

