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MAN: Erm,is the a uniform?What about clothes?
WOMAN: Yes,I forgot to mention that.You need towear a white shirt,just a plain one,and darktrousers.You know,not green or anything likethat.And we don't supply those.
MAN: That's okay,I've got trousers,I'd just have tobuy a couple of shirts.What about anything else?DoI need a waistcoat or anything?
WOMAN: You have to wear a jacket,but the hotellends you that.
MAN: I see.Er,one last thing - I don't know what the starting date is.
WOMAN: Just a minute,I think it's some time around the end of June.Yes,the 28th,in time forthe summer.
MAN: That's great.I'm available from the 10th.
WOMAN: Oh good.Well,if you can call again you need to speak to the Service Manager.Hername's Jane Urwin,that's U-R-W-I-N,and she'll probably arrange to meet you.
MAN: Okay.And when's the best time to ring?
WOMAN: Could you call tomorrow?Um,she usually starts checking the rooms at midday,sobefore then if you can,so she'll have more time to chat.I'll just give you her number becauseshe's got a direct line.
MAN: Thanks.
WOMAN: It's 832 double-0 9.
MAN: 823 double-0 9?
WOMAN: 832.
MAN: Oh,okay.Yes,I'll do that And by the way,she will ask you for a reference,so you mightlike to be thinking about that.You know,just someone who knows you and can vouch for you.
MAN: Yes,no problem.Well,thanks very much for your help.
WOMAN: You're welcome.Bye.
MAN: Bye.
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