1.内容概述 学生向学长和学姐请教学习方面的建议
多选 3
21-23.关于 mentor 的好处,让选出三个来;
单选 1
配对 6
25-30 配对题小学妹问社会实践的好处,学长和学姐分别回答,说话者和观点的配对,这道题目需要辨别三 个 speaker 的声音和对应的名字
2.内容概述 讲的是两个学生讨论如何开展对老人的调查访问,他们的住址在哪里,然后是取得到
填空 6
21. 名单和资料从 phone book 里找,Find the name list and materials from the phone
book and then get the trust from the elderly people.
22. For preparation: identify suitable topics for the participants.
23. Develop trust to get the acceptance of the manager.
24. 给老人们阐述课程 purpose. Explain the purpose.
25. May record the process.
26. Need to make a film.
配对 4
A: relative of student B: museum
C: antique shop D: Participant E: internet
F: market
27. The first photo ----- D. participant
28. The second photo ----- A. relative of the student
29. The third is cloth ----- B. museum
30. The forth store toy ----- F. internet café
3.内容概述 计算机对教育的影响
单选 3:
31."Digital access"--选 B,有 think pattern 那个
32.“Digital immigration"-选 B 说年纪大点的人英雄(less efficiently to use high
33."Digital Accent"-选 B use old-fashioned way
配对 7:
是四个人名,然后 matching
A-Allen B-James, C-Vander
34. B The current education don’t use computer--James.
35. B
36. C Not all students understand computer-James
37. B
38. A
39. B
40. C
内容概述 大学生就业分析
单选 2:
31 关于录取形式。
A the increase of application will decrease
B some subject will not be popular in future
C the enrolment number is as before
32 关于曾经有的就业还是啥做过的调查。
A 曾经只有 only one research
B poor instrument
C 很难调查
填空 8:
有关这个 survey 的调查对象,人数,和调查方法
30. telephone survey
31. case study
32. postal survey
36.lack problem solving skill 复数不确定啊
37.communication skill 注意,不要写 skill,写就多了,题中有 University 的建议
38.self-evaluation,group discussion
39.participation of young graduates involved in decision-making
40.offer more further training