内容概述:一个女性在咨询租房。标题是 House Details
1. 要租的房子有各种特点: a small: swimming pool
2. a: dinning room
3. 房租 includes the maintenance of the: gardens
4. a shoort drive away from the: supermarket
5. near a: park for her kids to play
6. near: an excellent primary school, in terms of good education
7. 带有 a: garage
8. 房子将在 23 April 后可租
9. 看房 Appointment: Wednesdy 10.15
10. Address: 127, Spring Street, H
题型:填空 6,配对4
11. The exhibition will be open to the public from March 19 to May 24 -混淆信息:18号,那是邀请新闻界参加的日子,不是对外开放
12. 70,000 visitors in total will visit the show
13. the price for weekdy ticket for a child is 5 pounds; 混淆信息:周末涨价
14. 包括的娱乐是 motor car race
15. Can see the lastest cars powered by electricity
16. Best day to visit is Sunday
配对 4:
A. last year
B. this year
C. Both years
17. enough seats- B 明确时去年年没有,今年加入了一些Cafe 和其他有座位的场地
18. facilities for children- C 去年也有,今年有增加
19. opportunities to drive the 4*4 cars- C 每年都有的活动,今年特别流行
20. chances to win a car- A 去年有这个, 今年是赢的人可以参与电视节目录制
题型:选择3,填空 7
21. 教师说关于这个project 的东西:C 会有 feedback
22. the focus of the project is: B methods, 原文出现approach + 解释
23. about the word count/limit of the project: A strictly obey rules B at least 6000 words C No restrict
填空 7:
24. in order to have the reliability of the research: cant't interview or observe many people
25. pay attention to the font of the work
26. give in 2 copies
27. deadline: 11 May
28. allowed to change the project
29. if a note is sent or call him
30. structure of the work: hypothesis + method
题型:选择3,配对3,填空 4
31. Why dose the speaker choose to study F 这个摄影师?
B 多次看到了主流杂志上F关于 New York 的照片,后来就注意到是他了
32. What makes F's photographs different form others?
A the demonstrate the reallity of life- 原文说用不同的角度拍城市,体现出 dynamics, good and dirty sides of a city
33. Why did F leave the XX Magazine?
B wanted to publish his ideas and works - 原文: to write books
A-E 五个选项
34. 1955--E did the show with others- 原文:show was held in a museum with other representative photographers
35. 1957--B themed on natural photos
36. 1959--C a selection of great photos during his career
填空 4:
37. show his methods of photography
38. Every photo was taken outdoors
39. Especially shows how to use light to take pictures
40. Except photos, this books also includes two essays of his.