
2022-06-05 06:38:56



  SECTION 3 Questions 21-30

  Choose the correct letter, A, B or C.

  Study on Gender in Physics

  21 The students in Akira Miyake‘s study were all majoring in

  A physics.

  B psychology or physics.

  C science, technology, engineering or mathematics.

  22 The aim of Miyake’s study was to investigate

  A what kind of women choose to study physics.

  B a way of improving women’s performance in physics.

  C whether fewer women than men study physics at college.

  23 The female physics students were wrong to believe that

  A the teachers marked them in an unfair way.

  B the male students expected them to do badly.

  C their test results were lower than the male students’.

  24 Miyake’s team asked the students to write about

  A what they enjoyed about studying physics.

  B the successful experiences of other people.

  C something that was important to them personally.

  25 What was the aim of the writing exercise done by the subjects

  A to reduce stress

  B to strengthen verbal ability

  C to encourage logical thinking

  26 What surprised the researchers about the study

  A how few students managed to get A grades

  B the positive impact it had on physics results for women

  C the difference between male and female performance

  27 Greg and Lisa think Miyake’s results could have been affected by

  A the length of the writing task.

  B the number of students who took part.

  C the information the students were given.

  28 Greg and Lisa decide that in their own project, they will compare the effects of

  A two different writing tasks.

  B a writing task with an oral task.

  C two different oral tasks.

  29 The main finding of Smolinsky’s research was that class teamwork activities

  A were most effective when done by all-women groups.

  B had no effect on the performance of men or women.

  C improved the results of men more than of women.

  30 What will Lisa and Greg do next

  A talk to a professor

  B observe a science class

  C look at the science timetable


  Question 21



  They were majoring in what’s known as the STEM disciplines, That’s science, technology, engineering and ….

  … and math

  解题思路:题目问的是在AM(Akira Miyake)研究中的学生都是什么专业的,女生说一开始也有点困惑,他们都不是学物理专业的,转而就直接陈述了他们所学的专业,physics这里是否定的,听到后面直接可以得出答案。

  Question 22



  But what the researchers wanted to find out was basically what they could do about the relatively low level of the women’s results.

  解题思路:题目问研究的目的,开头的but又是转折,又是考点最易出现的重要信息处,说了最开始是想着能做点什么去改善women 相对比较低的 physics results(物理科目成绩)。B选项符合。

  Question 23:



  But actually they were wrong … No one was making any assumptions about the female students at all.


  Question 24:



  They had to write an essay focusing on things that were significant to them, not particularly to do with the subject they were studying, but more general things like music, or people who mattered to them.

  解题思路:问研究小组让学生写一个关于什么的东西。听到write an essay 很容易知道答案会在哪里。Focusing on 后面是重点“只是对他们自己而言比较重要的,不是说跟他们研究的主题有关”。

  Question 25:



  And putting these thoughts into words can relax them and help them overcome the psychological factors that lead to poor performance.

  解题思路:问些writing exercise 的目的,原文说的relax them 很容易得出A选项,B、C都没有提到。

  Question 26:



  But what the researchers in the study hadn’t expected was that this one activity raised the women’s physics grades from the C to the B range.

  解题思路:听到25题的信息后,又出现了But。做研究的人根本没有意料到(hadn’t expected)女性的物理成绩由C提升到了B。

  Question 27:



  And had they been told why they were doing the writing? That might have affected the results.

  解题思路:问的是男女都认为研究本可以被什么东西所影响。听力原文里说Miyake的文章里没有考虑到一些细节,比如说,学生只写一次报告还是多次?学生们是否被告知过他们为什么要写这些东西,马上补充“That might have affected the results”。选项A、B都没有提到,根据听力原文或者是排除法都应该只是选C。

  Question 28:



  Half do the same writing task as in the original research and half do a factual writing task.

  解题思路:男女学生决定在他们自己的项目里,他们会比较哪两组数据的效果。Half这句听力原文说了,是不同的writing task。

  Question 29:



  The men and the women got the same results whether they were working in teams or on their own.

  解题思路:题目问的是Smolinsky的研究的主要发现是班级团队行动怎么样了。在这个人名研究出现后,男生猜测的是women 在teamwork方面做得更好,但是女生否定了这个回答,说无论是在团队行动还是个体行动,男女表现是一样的。

  Question 30:



  Perhaps we should just make an appointment to see one of the science professors. That’d be better.

  解题思路:问他们下一步的行动,所以在女生说 need to do next之后就可以锁定答案区域,说的是预约见一个science professor比较好。


