2017年2月16日雅思听力真题答案解析Section 1:一位男士想卖烧烤工具。
题型:Table Completion/Sentence Completion
1. cover
2. 499
3. shelf
4. double-grill
5. select
6. heat
7-10 句子填空题
7. 15
8. forest
9. traditional
10. wrong
2017年2月16日雅思听力真题答案解析Section 2:介绍M小岛旅游。向大家讲讲游过的人通过短信网络给未来旅游者的一些tips。
题型:Multiple Choice
11. What is the tip to taxi drivers?—As much as you feel right(剪发、餐馆消费给10%,出租车自己看着办。)
12. What may happen lf you get sick?(生病了可以向旅馆要 English speaking doctors, 也可以去诊所看.就是要钱。)–prepare for the charge
13. BOttled Water’s feature:—with an unusual taste ( Tap water 可以直接饮用,但是水里含mineral,味道strange)
14. What should be paid attention to about bottled water?—often tap water
15. How do you know the buses’destination?—better check with the driver(公车目的地不能看车上写,要check with the driver)
16. How do you think of bus?—not comfortable (公车不多,但很punctual,可能不太comfortable,路颠簸)
17. How should you rent a car?(租车要比较价格。)-compare the price in advance yourselves
18. What should be paid attention to collect a car; What are include in the price.
19. How to find a taxi easily? –stop in the street (叫车不要给出租车公司电话,他们也不过来,只是把附近最近的给你找来。)
20. What should be paid attention to the taxi fee? – agree the price with driver in advance (打车是没有计价器的,价钱要事先商议。从机场打车来晚上的话可能会贵。跳上车,司机报价觉得贵就别坐他的车。)
2017年2月16日雅思听力真题解析Section 3:学术场景-提纲讨论
21. nature of research
22. areas of ipmprovement
23. research findings
24. size of sample
25. list of action
26. number of students
27. interviews
28. studies
29. summary report
30. action points
2017年2月16日雅思听力真题答案解析Section 4: 讲学生去实习,关于一个去工厂实践的事。分四个session,题目中涉及到session1,2,3,4分别要注意的问题。
题型:Sentence Completion/ Multiple Choice/Short Answer Question
31. 在report的某个section:company’s mission statement
32. student’s CV which should be attached
33. maximum 500 words for each skill(3000 words in 6 reports)
34-37 单选题
34. section 3 第三部分怎么样?选:C. training section
35. section four 讲的是什么?
选:C. a profile of student’s career plan
36. first class served as选 A
37. first找谁寻求帮助在practice skill方面。选:A
A. company colleague
B. tutor
C. other students
38-40 简答题
38. derdline:30th June
39. Officer去学生那里几次?2次(不是3次,tutor才是3次)
40. In case of any problem,go to find the Administration Office