
2022-05-19 05:11:58




  V09115 V09119 V09140 V12119 V12122 V12126 V12128 V12136 V12137 V12138 V12142 V12143 V12145 V12104 V12105 V14103 V14106 V14110 V14112 V14122 V14114 V14115 V14116

  V12109 V12110 V12115 V12116 V13128 V13133 V13134 V13136 V13139 V11117 V11118 V11121 V11122 V11124 V11125 V11128 V11130 V11132 V10129 v10132 V10136 V10139 V10140 V10142 V10143 V10145 V13139 V13140 V13145 V13146 V13103 V13105


  CUSTOMER: Ah right.Um,and have you got anyinformation on different ticket types?

  RAILPERSON:Yes.There's a range of ticket pricesdepending on when you travel and when you buyyour ticket.There's a standard open ticket whichdoesn't have any restrictions.This can be bought inadvance or on the day.You can also get variousdiscounted tickets.A popular one is called theSupersave and,er,this is OK for travel after8.45.Then there is the Special ticket,which is valid fortravel after 10.15.The Special tickets are also validfor travel at weekends.The cheapest tickets are called Advance and you have to buy them atleast six days ahead.Only a certain number are available and you have to make seatreservations for these.

