Section 1,旧题,版本号6010 ;求职;輕题6+配对题4
Also need to work on weekends
Telephone number: 900641 (四位区号已给出)
Tools for garden
Organize training programmes
Website (原文 need to do website work)
defects in products
low salary
customers complain it
bad surroundings
falling sales
F upset employees
Company A- F (because it needs to move)
Company B- C
Company C- D (environment is not good)
Company D- B (may lose job in the future, you won' t want to do this, employees complain about it)
Section 2 ,旧题,版本号 07212 ;场景为 Steam train museum ;填空 10
Engine type: coaches
12-13. The Northern of the Europe opening hour in winter: 10am to 4pm
The family ticket price: 18 pounds
Discount in public transport
Road sign, yellow steam
17. Monthly magazines
18.22nd May (先说 the 29th May,又改成the 22nd May)
19. Children' s day
20.A quiz (原文为 test)
Section3,旧题,版本号08306 ,?场景作业讨论;选择5+配对5
Manager and team members telephone interview.
从哪里获得资料 Where did you find the definition of "oral history" ?
C.Handouts from previous lectures
22.What' s the most important influence from internet on oral history?
A.Permanent records (有大量现存 had preserved resources)
B.Easier access for the public
C.Easier access for the public
23.Why does Mike choose this topic?
He is a football fan
His father loves football
His friends encourage him
25.Where did Mike find the players' information?
From ancient team record
Phone book
26-30 配对题
A . not reliable
B . too long
C . too noisy
D . too short
E . too factual
F . too complicated
G . too vague
26.Question on the draft ——F (原文:complex)
27.Time ——B
28.Recording equipment A (equipment 的问题有两个,tutor 说
change battery,另—个是 sometimes it is too noisy, what is even worse, it doesn’t work.)
This topic G
Proposed report ——F (原文:rely too much on facts, lack personal ideas,男的说 I think I have put too much their words in the report,女的说 you need to give your own ideas.)
Section 4,旧题,版本号05416;学术讲座;填空6+选择4
该部分题型多样,配对题对学生的听力能力要求较高,考查词汇难度偏上,总体 难度中上。
31.Survey from health department and University Three aspects of investigation:
32.Food allergies and food intake
33.Eating pattern, sample dietary: physical activity
34.How does this survey choose at the school?
Answer: the respondents are selected at a random sample
35.How do they finish the test for the result?
Answer: at home (with their parents with them)
36.Young children compared with old children Answer: A
A.More exercises than the other
B.Less worried about weight
C.Wide range of food or advertising
37.Old children are:
Answer:more easily to be influenced by their peers
38.Some European kids are lack of Vitamin A
39.Pacific (Maori) children eat more fish than European children
40.Beside government and social professionals, workers, schools should also cconcern the issue.