Section 1
S1 09112S1
一男一女讨论一个研讨活动,有matching,填空 最后两个是一长串的序列号和一个地址
1-3: Workshop; discussion; library
4-8 Matching: F short stories; A biography; D crime fiction; B new novel; H Written for children
Booking hotel: 0136645772; 24 River Lane
Section2: 09147
小孩的迷你蔬菜园 填空:种植场所需要的工具 matching:各种植物受欢迎的理由 接着又一个填空,说活动结合植物类型
1.Measure land with string。圈出地点
然后是四种植物的特性,4 个match: 选填字母。
4.第一种:Snow bean: children’s favorite,孩子爱吃的果实。
5.第二种:Cherry tomato: all year can grow,不容易死还是全年都能生长,不确定,
6.第三种:Lectures: various colors,植物种子很多,应该是吸引小鸟。
7.第四种:Sun flowers: easy to manage,向日葵长的很快。
8.第一个bird walk
multi culture第三题是部落,前面五个选择,有很多转换。
非洲一部落的发展和改造,前六个是填空,有难度,语速快且置换词多,谈到了部落的早期发展(location of star)
fruit and animals ,部落的发展,mineral开采
1.Star people, recognize different stars部落了解星星及它们相互间怎样运动,(纠结于A和B的同学很多)。A是star location,B是how star affect other star.
2.How do XXX people get rich第二个部落变富有的方法,帮助其他人通过银行。(A. open bank account B. assist others C. lend money to others )
4.第四个部落在政府计划下能回到原来的生活环境C Use land,
5.第五个部落发现了矿物但不好卖出去,选的C they have difficulties to trade minerals。
7.可能when XXX to settle,在这里出现的
Section 4:
一个典型开发区的进程,填空为主 减少汽车的使用 保险公司提供工作机会,公共用地的使用
城市改造现在和将来计划 one word only
furniture; insurance; services; schools (near schools); cycling; traffic; jobs(more jobs); campus (new campus for a university); retail (100 million square kilometers for retail use); office (80 million square kilometers for office use)
S1 09113S1
1-3: Workshop; discussion; library
4-8 Matching: F short stories; A biography; D crime fiction; B new novel; H Written for children
Booking hotel: 0136645772; 24 River Lane
S2 Children’s Vegetable Garden
11-13: string; shade; spoon
14-17 Matching(关于不同植物的特点):
14. Snow bean还是pea: most popular among children; 15. Cherry tomato: easy to look after; 16. Lettuces: colorful; 17. Sun flowers: grow rapidly 18-20(几个garden中种植的plant种类及其activity)
18. Bird (The Bird Walk); 19.Night (The Night Tour); 20. roses
S3 Multi-culture
furniture; insurance; services; schools (near schools); cycling; traffic; jobs(more jobs); campus (new campus for a university); retail (100 million square kilometers for retail use); office (80 million square kilometers for office use)