
2022-05-27 10:32:04


  So what exactly is MSG?Well,Monosodium Glutamatecontains seventy-eight point two per centglutamate,twelve point two per cent sodium and ninepoint six per cent water.Glutamate is an amino acidthat can be found naturally in all protein-containingfoods,erm,so this includes food such as meat andcheese.

  It is widely known that Chinese and Japanese foodcontains MSG but many people don't seem to beaware that it is also used in foods in other parts ofthe world.For example it is found in commerciallymade Italian pizzas,in American fast food and in Britain MSG is used in things like potato crisps.

  So,how exactly does MSG work?Well,in the Western world,we commonly talk of four'tastes',and I'm sure you're all familiar with the concepts of sweet,sour,bitter and salt.
