PETER: Well, let's decide what we'll see today. Iguess the best place to start is the Cathedral, andthen the Castle. What are the opening times forthose two?
SALLY: Well, according to this guidebook, theCathedral is only open from nine-thirty in themorning until midday. No, hang on. That's theCathedral Museum. The Cathedral itself is openmorning and afternoon.The Castle is just open fromone to five, so we can't go there until after lunch.Ireally want to spend some time in the Art Gallery,because they've got this wonderful painting byRembrandt that I've always wanted to see.
PETER: What else should we see?
SALLY: Well, the guidebook says the Botanical Gardens are worth spending some time in, andthey're open all day,from eight to six, so we can go there any time.
I'd like to go to the Markets near the river too, but …oh …no, wait, that's only in the mornings,too.