
2022-06-02 07:05:20


  ROSA: But what did that article he gave us last weeksay about the quality of data from questionnaires?

  MICK: I'm pretty sure it recommendedquestionnaires as a source of highly reliable data.As long as you design the questionnaire properly inthe first place, the data will be fine.

  ROSA: No, I'm sure it talked about drawbacks aswell,didn't it? Something about the response rateand the problems you get if ifs too low.

  MICK: Yeah, but we only need data from fivesubjects anyway.

  ROSA: I suppose so. Another drawback I rememberit mentioned was that questionnaire data tends not to reveal anything unexpected, becauseit is limited to the questions fixed in advance by the researcher.

  MICK: Come on,Rosa. This is only a practice. It's not meant to be real research, is it?

  ROSA: Well, Pm not sure about that.
