
2022-06-03 12:10:36


  Our second area of interest was obviously thefacilities: there was minimal interest in having alibrary on the premises, but one option seemed tobe a reading room instead - more useful. We wouldlike the current table games room to be replacedwith a small gym. And, if possible, a small swimmingpool - not, of course, Olympic-sized! There was alarge number of respondents in favour of a travelagent’s and insurance centre. We also request thatthere be the offices of the Student CounsellingCentre, moving this from the Refectory. There was,however, much disagreement about whether tobuild a drama theatre. Just over forty per cent of the respondents were in favour, but a largishminority were strongly against it, claiming that it is elitist and a waste of funds.Essentially thejury is out on that.
