
2022-05-19 16:09:14


  ROSA: Maybe l'd better go through the article again,just to be sure. Can you remember what it wascalled?

  MICK: Sample Surveys in Social Science Research',Ithink. By Mehta.

  ROSA: M-E-H-T-A?

  MICK:Yeah. And he also recommended a morerecent book, called Survev Research by Bell, I think.It's in that series published by London University.

  And if we tried to use interviews instead, I saw abook in the departmental library that'll be helpful: it'scalled 'Interviews that work',by Wilson, published inOxford in nineteen eighty-eight.

  ROSA: Right. I've got a tutorial now. Can we meet up again later this week? What about Fridaymorning?

  MICK: Suits me. Eleven o'clock?

  ROSA: Fine.

  MICK: Before Friday, I think we should all look through the reading list.
