
2022-06-08 12:02:34


  LUCY: Yeah,I suppose you're right again.I'll takesome notes,shall I?So...Age Groups.Well.What doyou think?Maybe twenty-five or under for onegroup,and forty-five or over for the other group?That should show up differences.

  JACK: Right.

  LUCY: OK.Next.How about the kind of music theylike - Let's give them some choices and then we canjust tick boxes.

  JACK: OK.Let's have pop,jazz,folk,easylistening...What else?

  LUCY: Well,we should include classieal.Some people like it,you know.

  JACK: OK.OK.And then we should have how they listen to music.

  LUCY: The mcdium.Right.Let's include radio,CD- and then I guess there's TV.

  JACK: What about concerts?You know,in pubs and halls.
