
2022-06-13 16:29:47


  Today were going to look at one of my favourite fish- the shark. As you know, sharks have areputation for being very dangerous creaturescapable of injuring or killing humans, and I’d like totalk about sharks in Australia.Sharks are rather largefish, often growing to over ten metres and thelongest sharks caught in Australia have reachedsixteen metres. Sharks vary in weight with size andbreed, of course, but the heaviest shark caught inAustralia was a White Pointer - that weighed sevenhundred and ninety-five kilograms - quite a size!Sharks have a different structure to most fish:instead of a skeleton made of bone, I hey have a tough elastic skeleton of cartilage. Unlikebone, this firm, pliable material is rather like your nose, and allows the shark to bend easily asit swims.
