Man:so that'll mean you'll need to submit it about amonth from now.
Woman:Thank you.
Man:Now, what about the reading materials? Haveyou checked out the journal articles in the list?
Woman:Umm, no, not yet, there were abouttwenty of them, and I wasn't sure which oneswould be most useful or important.
Man:Well, they're all useful, but I don't expectanyone to read them all, because a number of themdeal with the same issues. Let me give you somesuggestions.The article by Anderson and Hawker isreally worth reading.
Woman:Right, I'll read that one.
Man:You should also read the article by Jackson, but just look at the part on the researchmethodology,how they did it.
Woman:OK ... Jackson, got that...
Man:And if you have time, the one by Roberts says very relevant things, although it's notessential.
Woman:So, OK, if it's useful. I'll try and read that one.
Man:Now, the one by Morris. I wouldn't bother with that at this stage, if I were you.
Woman:OK, 1 won't bother with Morris. Oh, now, someone told me the article by Cooper isimportant.
Man:Well, yes, in a way, but just look at the last part, where he discusses the researchresults.And lastly, there's Forster,I can'l think why I included that one. It's not bad and couldbe of some help but not that much.