LISA: The other thing he was saying last week wasthat his computer printer had broken.
TONY: Umm. No, I’d be really frightened aboutgetting the wrong type.
LISA: OK, yeah.
TONY: The other thing is something for the home -Jill suggested a coffee maker.
LISA: Oh yeah. I’ll certainly find out what they cost.OK, have you got all that down?
TONY: Yes.
LISA: Now we need to think a little more about the money. I know we’ve got a set amountfrom the Social Fund.
TONY: Right, what does that cover?
LISA: It’s meant to cover the cost of the room.
TONY: Yeah.
LISA: And a certain amount for food.
TONY: And also drinks?
LISA: Oh yeah, certainly.
TONY: But will it be enough?
LISA: What we’ve done in the past is to ask guests to bring some snacks.
TONY: Right.
LISA: We don’t ask them to bring more drinks because we figure that’s ... that should comefrom the Social Fund.