
2022-06-06 04:51:32


  We’re very grateful that the Committee has agreedthat a representative for the Students’ Union canpresent students’ suggestions about the design forthe proposed new Union building. We appreciatethat some of our ideas may not be feasible in thecircumstances, but we do feel that it is importantthat the ultimate beneficiaries of the facilities shouldhave some say in its design.

  If I could start by briefly explaining what steps weretaken to find out student opinion and how we havearrived at conclusions. Firstly, a meeting was held inthe current Union for our SU Committee to explain the options. Then we invited all students tosubmit written suggestions for the design, placing cards in a suggestion box. Thesesuggestions then provided the basis for the design of a questionnaire, which was completedby approximately two thousand of the College students over a period of three weeks. Finally,the SU Committee collated the results and drew up a report. If I can just hand around a copy ofthat report.
