
2022-06-13 05:44:29


  TUTOR: ...And how did you find the wholeexperience?

  JB: I'll be honest with you.At the end of the firstyear I really wanted to leave and come home.

  TUTOR: Why was that?

  JB: Well...I was very homesick at first and missedmyy family...

  TUTOR: Ummm...I can qutie understand that.

  JB: ...and I also found it frustrating to have so fewteaching resources,but I did decide to stay and inthe end I extended my tour to a third year.

  TUTOR: Right.Things must have looked up then?

  JB: Yes.We set up a very successful project breeding cattle to sell locally.

  TUTOR: Really?

  JB: And then after a lot of hard work we finally got funds for new farm buildings.

  TUTOR: And you wanted to see things through?

  JB: Uh-huh.

  TUTOR: And is that why you want to train to teach Geography?

  JB: Yes.I've had a couple of jobs since then but I now realise I like teaching best.And I choseGrography because..because it is my favourite subject...and also because I think it has so manyuseful applications.

  TUTOR: Well...you certainly have had some interesting work experience.I'll ask you now to goon to the next stage of...
