Why's that part of town so popular?
Well,there's a big scheme to improve thedistrict,and it'll soon have the best facilities for milesaround.
What sort of thing?
There's a big sports centre underconstruction,which will be very impressive whenit's finished.In fact the swimming pool's alreadyopened,ahead of schedule,and it's attracting a lot ofpeople.
What about cinemas:are there any in the area?
The only one closed down last year,and it's now in the process of being converted into a filmmuseum.The local people are trying to get a new cinema added to the scheme.
I think I heard something about a plan to replace the existing concert hall with a larger one.
Ah,that's due to start next year.
Well it sounds an interesting area to live in.Could go and see the house,please?
Yes,of course.