The first species to generate a lot of interestinginformation was frogs.And there was a clear patternhere - they proliferate where there is suitablewater.Garden ponds are on the increase,rural pondsare disappearing,leading to massive migration tothe towns.
Hedgehogs are also finding it easier to live in urbanareas - this time because their predators are notfinding it quite so attractive to leave their ruralenvironment,so hedgehogs have a better survival rate in cities.We had lots of sightings,so allin all we had no difficulties with our efforts to count their numbers precisely.
Our final species is the finest of bird singers,the song thrush.On the decline in thecountryside,they are experiencing a resurgence in urban gardensbecause these dadysgardeners are buying lots of different plants which means there's an extensive range of seedsaround,which is what they feed on.Another factor is the provision of nesting places - which isactually better in gardens than the countryside.Hard to believe it,but it's true.Incidentally,wediscovered that a massive new survey on song thrushes is about to be launched,so youshould keep an eye open for that.
Now,I'd be happy to answer any questions you may have...