PRESENTER: Good evening.Tonight's show comesto you from the Good Home Exhibition in Duke'sCourt,where we've been trying out some of thelatest gadgets on show here and getting ourresident expert - Liz Shearer - to tell us which onesare worth buying and which will die a death.
LIZ SHEARER: Well,hello.Yes,John,I've beeninvestigating four new household gadgets andsorting out the advantages and disadvantages andthen really deciding what are 'Must buys',what are'Maybe buys' and what are 'Never buys'.Let's startwith this vacuum flask for keeping drinks hot.Well...I felt this had quite a lot going for it,mostof all is the fact that it contains no glass and is therefore unbreakable to all intents andpurposes.It's made of stainless steel which is guaranteed for 20 years...hope that's longenough...and it's true what the manufacturer claims - that it does maintain heat for 18hours.So that's pretty good.