Good afternoon.I'm Paula Bundell and I am givingyou the lectures on Environmental Noise thisterm.Today we are going to look into the effects ofnoise on a planned housing estate in a particularlydifficult part of the new Manchester Park area.
This site is not as bad as some I have researched inthe past.The Blacktown airport is closed from 6pm to7am and this is a great advantage to the site.Theonly noise after dark is from the highway and thetraffic is somewhat reduced between 7.30pm and5.30am.So,the people most affected by the noisewill be.I expect,housewives.By the time most of the students and workers have arrived backhome in the evening during the week the noise will have abated to a fairly large extent.Theweekends are still a problem of course,but the traffic is certainly reduced on Saturdays to alarge extent and even more so on Sundays.