
2022-05-29 14:39:09


  Good morning.I'm very pleased to have been invitedalong to your club to talk about our CharitySponsored Walking Holiday for Education Aid.I'll startby giving you a brief overview of what it entails.Firstof all let me explain what we mean by 'sponsored'here.This is where people promise to donate moneyto the charity if you achieve your goal,in this caseto walk a certain number of miles.

  Basically we are organizing a ten-day holiday,fromthe sixth to the sixteenth of November,with eightdays actual walking,trekking in the Semira Mountains.

  Let's have a look at some of the details.We require you to raise sponsorship money of at least$3,200,paying $250 of it up front as a deposit and the rest in stages throughout the year.Outof this about thirty-five per cent will go on your expensesm,and that leaves sixty-five per centguaranteed to go to the charity.
