
2022-05-21 20:39:40


  JANE: Can I just check on the deadlines foreverything?

  DR SIMON: Yes, sure. Look, let me write it on theboard ... when the different stages have to liecompleted. First of all you've got to work on yourbasic bibliography, and that’s due in to your coursetutor by 31 January ... which is just two weeksaway, so you'd better get a move on on that.

  ANDY: Do we have to have our own draft plan bythen?

  DR SIMON: No, your draft plan is due on 7 February, which is a week later, so that should giveyou plenty of time.

  JANE: And when do we have to be doing the research?

  DR SIMON: That's over a one-month period ... essentially February to March.

  ANDY: And the write up?

  DR SIMON: Well, you can't really get going on your writing until you've got quite a bit of theresearch done, so that's really March to May, with the hand in date on 21st. Any morequestions?
