
2022-05-31 23:24:01


  1. 这场考试听力2新2旧:S2和S3新题,S1和S4旧题;

  2. 整体难度篇简单:

  S1相对较简单,属于第一部分经典场景,咨询场景。单词较为基础,如safety, hour, rock等,以及一些数字信息;但是第5题的supervision需要注意。


  1. basic skill for safety

  2. Tuesday evening

  3. one hour

  4. 12 pounds

  5. anything without supervision

  6. Thursday

  7. 75 pounds

  8. climb on rock

  9. two nights during the summer only

  10. 140 pounds, not including transport



  11.why the woman become interested in desert? A. beautiful sight she once saw

  12.what advice the woman give to people who go on trip? A. keep an open mind (no prejudice)

  13.what is the most wonderful thing of the trip? B. the fun company in evening.

  A. stay in tended accommodation

  B. mountain climb

  C. horse ride

  D. see wildlife

  14.-20: 7个沙漠



  21. what is the problem of Jenny’s work? C. not enough evidence to back up her argument

  22. what is the difficulty Jenny feel? B. read alternative opinion.

  23. what is the suggestion the tutor give? A. read from a reader’s intention.

  24. first decide on a purpose

  25. think about what reader knows and expects




  29. a short outline (a brief outline)

  30. full draft



  31. groundwater contains a large amount of salts

  32. the water after processed by SW40 is so pure that it can be in hospitals

  33. the drawback of the device currently is that it is quite slow

  34. financially supported by Health International

  35. maximum product 9 litres

  36. enough for the use of a family

  37. lid made of glass

  38. angle (incline) 12.5 degree

  39. UV light destroys germs

  40.water collection tank

