
2022-06-03 08:31:33

  本次考试两旧两新,其中section1=V100626s1, section3=V110416s3=V08114s3,难度中等偏下。填空和选择的比例为26:14,但是值得注意的是section4出现了多选题。


  1. Title: manager

  2. Position: in the center of the city

  3. Total staff: 40

  4. Preferred date: May(house agent 说那个地方October后才available,女的说她们的租期到June,所以最好May搬)

  5. Size of the new office:12000 (10000是干扰项)

  6. booths

  7. Remove boards in the conference room

  8. store

  9. kitchen (house agent说厨房挺好的,女的说要装修一下)

  10. A view of river



  air conditioner / conditioning heater / stove / radiator 取暖器

  fireplace 壁炉 carpet / rug地毯 cushion垫子 sofa / couch沙发

  coffee table咖啡桌 armchair 扶手椅 stereo system 立体声

  gas cooker煤气灶 cupboard 橱柜 utensils器皿

  spoon勺子 knife刀 fork叉 water pipe水管 dishwasher 洗碗机

  squeezer榨汁机 microwave oven 微波炉 toaster吐司机,烤面包机

  refrigerator / fridge / freezer 冰箱

  参考题目:剑5-test4-section1, 剑8-test3-section1

  Section2 A lecture about an Australian tourist called Coconut Beach Resort


  11. B (couple)

  12. B (rooms with individual pond)

  13. C (horse ranch)

  14. A (it suits all ages)

  15. B (Thursday and Friday)

  Multiple choice

  16. C (tourist shops)

  17. E (tour booking office)

  18. C (meet the artists)

  19. E (learn about bush herbal treatment)



  相关词汇:amusement park游乐园 Great Barrier Reef大堡礁

  Stonehenge巨石阵 Studio Theatre演播剧场 Footbridge人行小桥

  Sydney Opera House悉尼歌剧院 Tower of London伦敦塔

  tropical rainforest热带雨林 swamp / marsh / wetland沼泽

  desert沙漠 grassland草原 bush灌木丛

  hilly area丘陵地带 waterfall 瀑布


  Section3=V110416s3=V08114s3 SUV (sports vehicles) 优缺点的讨论。

  填空题 本篇题目把机经里的最后几道多选改为了填空

  21. SUV广泛应用于cities(过去多数用在比如remote areas)

  22. larger engine capacity

  23. utility

  24. mother如何看SUV safe

  25. drivers prefer the higher seats

  26. commercial

  27-30 讨论这部车的缺点

  27. reliable to roll over easily

  28. damage because of its weight

  29. used to limited groups (e.g. farmers)

  30. raise cost of insurance

  本次section3没有按以往情况出成选择,反而改为了填空题,也没有考察学术场景,难度大大降低。这次参考的童鞋有福了,哈哈~ 但是单词的拼写各位童鞋一定要注意,像utility,commercial, roll over,只要平时把课上单词都背熟,相信是没问题的。

  Section4 Earth-sheltered house 填空+配对

  31. low impact

  32. energy

  33. conservation

  34. traffic

  35. span

  36. healthy benefit

  Matching 题

  A (M) B (H) C (Both M and H)

  37. C (saving energy)

  38. B (zero noisy)

  39. B (low cost)

  40. A (durable contracture)




