Section 1新题 电话预订冲浪课程 填空题
1. Sandy
2. 495
3. hotel
4. transport
5. Mexico
6. December
7. turn
8. 17th
9. insurance
10. Flecther
Section 2新题 公司乔迁 选择5题+地图5题
11.Why does the company move?
A. The lease ends B. the lease changed C. for expansion
12.The new location is close to
A. Printers B. a transport center C. the clients
13.What should you do to the old furniture?
A. Moved to the new company
B. sell them to the public
C. give them to friends
14.What stock do in the next few weeks?
A . Three away all the old files
B. make copies for important documents
15.What are the employees expect to do in the moving day?
A. stay at home
B. go to the company to help
C. go to the new building to check
16– 20 地图填空
a.Conference room
b.Waiting room
c.Sales staff
d.Display room
e.Designers’ desks
f.Temporary staff’s desks
g.Lunch room
Section3 旧题 06113s3关于消费者态度的调查 填空7题+选择3题
21.occupation: cashier much customer spent per trip in a supermarket every time? £50
23.Where to shop: big department store
24.difficult to buy item: jeans
25.about 50%
26.about 15%
27.about 35%
Peoplebelieve the most difficult purchase items are:
a.sweaters b. books (study materials) c. sports wears
d. shoes e.trousers f. CDs
Section 4 旧题 120421s4 研究有机农场、农药 选择7题+填空3题
31-37 填空题
31. organic farming advantage: it is sustainable
32. to boost/increase the sales
33. saves necessary energyin producing fertilisers
34. good for soil: worms + double insects which may attack organic vegetables (weeds)
35. sustainable vegetable for example: potato crop, went 40% down
36. Winterweed Production 10% lower than it used to be (now 90%)
37. including organic grass产量保持不变
38-40 选择题
38. What happened to organic farming in India?
A. yiedl increase (more production)
B. Farmers are reluctant to accept the Organicfarming
C. farmers can apply organic farmingsuccessfully by following the instructions
39. conclusion in an international organicfarming review focus on
A. weather people are interested in organicfarming
B. compare different methods of organicfarming in countries in the world
C. organic farming is beneficial towildlife (to the environment mainly)
40. speaker thinks the main advantage oforganic farming?
A. depends on consumers (brandimage, market demand determine everthing)