
2022-06-07 04:39:03


  Lecture 1(Art history)


  1. What point does the professor make about the writing of a formal analysis in art history?

  a. Its objective is to identify common features of several works of art.

  b. Its most important part is the explanation of an artwork's significance.

  c. Several styles of writing a formal analysis are used by art historians.

  d. A particular approach is required to present Information about an artwork.


  破题关键词汇:formal analysis in art history


  (从第22秒开始,原文重现:I gave you a list of appropriate works of art for you to write about, so your next step in this process needs to be, to go look at the work you selected as your topic, and bring a pencil and a notepad with you, because I don’t mean you should just drop by at the museum, and glance at it, so you can say you see it in real life, you need to go and sit in front of the work, and really look at it, carefully, slowly, and keep careful notes about what you see, you need them for the kind of art history paper you are going to be writing, it’s what we call a formal analysis. A formal analysis of a work of art, any kind of art, is based on its formal qualities, which means qualities related to the form, things like color, texture, line, shapes, proportion, and composition.)

  教授在开篇就对formal analysis进行了介绍,它是用一种特殊的方式用来呈现一件艺术品的信息,比如需要基于它的一些属性,如颜色,质地,线条,形状,比例,组成等等,所以D选项正确。

