
2022-05-30 15:12:25


  at about the same time, another doctor from Holland wrote another book calling tea ‘a miracle cure for just about everything’. Who to believe?

  So, anyway, tea didn’t really catch on in Germany or France, as something just to enjoy drinking, they seem to prefer coffee. But England did take to tea. And to an extent that nobody could have foreseen. Such that, even today we tend to associate England, Great Britain with tea. And, well, a bit of perspective, at the start of the 18th century, almost nobody in England drank tea. But by the end of it, almost everybody did. By the 1750s, official records show tea imports up from almost nothing to about 20 million kilos. And those records didn’t even begin to account for all the tea smuggled into the country illegally to avoid paying taxes. And as for reasons for the popularity of tea there, well, tea first became fashionable after the king of England married a Portuguese princess who loved tea. And pretty soon, more and more people started copying her and drinking tea. Later, when a direct trade route was established between China and England, the supply of tea greatly increased. Most important though, tea drinking became sociable. And although coffee houses or tavern were generally considered to be for men only, tea shops became places where women could come. And even bring their families. And soon there were tea parties, books on tea etiquette, and even tea gardens—parks filled with lights and walkways and venues for musical performances, places where people of all social classes could go to drink tea and socialize. By the end of the 18th century, all classes of English society drank tea, from royalty to common workers. Tea became a staple of everyday life, part of the common culture, and traditionally considered by many, the very mark of being English.

