考古年代测定,英文名为Dating Methods in Archaeology。一般有两种情况:Absolute dating和Relative dating。如何区分质量中测量手段?
Absolute dating指的是诸如Radiometric Dating的年代测定手段。一般来说是利用放射性同位素衰变的手段,用以确定原先存活的动物和植物年龄,用这种方法甚至可以测定至万年前的时代。对于考古学来讲,这是一个相对准确的测年法技术。Relative dating指的是通过一些间接的考古学证据来推测检测物年代的方法。比如,商周时期遗迹中出土的文物,理论上来讲应该诞生于商周时期(或更早)。
Dating Methods in Archaeology
The dating methods used by archaeologists vary considerably in precision and the nature of the material actually dated. Age determinations for archaeological materials may be direct or indirect. Direct dates are derived from the actual artifact, feature or ecofact to determine the age of the material. Indirect dates are based on material associated with the archaeological item of interest. For example, ash in an ancient hearth can be dated by the radiocarbon dating method (discussed below) and other material, such as pottery, stone tools, and fragments of animal bone associated with the hearth, can then be indirectly assigned the same age. This assignment, however, assumes that there is sufficient evidence indicating that both the hearth and the artifacts reflect the same contemporaneous event, thus allowing the extension of the direct date to the other related material. Dates may be relative or absolute in their scale of measurement. Relative dating simply orders remains into a ranked chronological sequence, where the age of each is relative (i.e., earlier than later than, or contemporary) to the others. The preliminary steps in most archaeological research usually employ relative dating methods to order artifacts, features and sites into temporal sequences. Absolute dating provides a specific calendar age estimate (e.g., 1000 years ago), thus allowing determination of the actual amount of time difference between absolute dates. Although absolute dates provide a calendar age, they vary in their precision, as many have an uncertainty factor attached that indicates a range of time rather than a specific date.
Although dating methods are used to determine the age of objects and events, these dates are ordered to establish a chronology that provides a temporal framework in which the archaeological material can be placed. This chronology-building process is the foundation for archaeological studies. In this chapter, we examine some of the major techniques that have been developed to date the archaeological past and material from the archaeological record.