TPO13 listening 问题解析
1.Why does the student go to see the professor
To report on the research he has done
To ask for permission to observe a class
To get help understanding an assignment
To ask about a question on a recent test
男学生没搞明白作业的要求,于是找到了老师,因此答案为 C。原文如下:
(原文中)“Well, I want to talk with you about the research project you have assigned today. I um…I hope you could clarify a few things for me. 根据听力原文,男学生没有听明白作业的要求,于是找到了老师,因此答案为 C。”
2.According to the professor, what should the student do after completing the first observation
Look for another child to observe
Research the child’s developmental stage
Report his progress to the class
Submit the notes he took during the observation
解析:研究一共包含了两次观察和一份报告,两次观察中间,教授要求学生进行 research,以确认孩子的发展情况与理论间的差异,所以选择 B 项。原文如下:
(原文中)“Actually after your first observation, you go back and look through your textbook or go to a library and find a few sources concerning the stage of development, the particular child is in. Then, with that knowledge, you will make the second observation of the same child to see if these expected developmental behaviors are exhibited. 解析:研究一共包含了两次观察和一份报告,两次观察中间,教授要求学生进行 research,以确认孩子的发展情况与理论间的差异,所以选择 B 项。原文如下:
3.Why does the student mention a child playing with a toy car
To identify a behavior that would show a child’s imagination developing
To identify a behavior that might illustrate egocentric thinking
To give an example of a behavior he has observed
To give an example of a behavior he would not need to describe
Student:Um… the pre-operational stage
Professor:Exactly, if that’s the case, her languages used to be maturing and her memory and imagination would be developed.
Student:So she might play pretend like she can pretend when driving her toy car across a couch that the couch is actually a bridge or something.
解析:学生要求教授提出一个例子,教授用他4岁的女儿做例子,学生回答她处于pre-operational stage(前运算阶段),这时候的小孩子已经会想象一些虚拟的场景了,比如在玩玩具车的时候,,因此本题答案选择 A。
Student:Um… the pre-operational stage
Professor:Exactly, if that’s the case, her languages used to be maturing and her memory and imagination would be developed.
Student:So she might play pretend like she can pretend when driving her toy car across a couch that the couch is actually a bridge or something.
B 选项不可选,关于 egocentric(自我中心的)的问题是在此之后讨论的,与此例子无关。
4.Why should the student contact the education department secretary
Her child attends a school run by the university.
She has a list of families that might be able to help the man.
She can contact students who have worked on a similar project.
She will explain how to observe a class without disturbing it.
Student:Where can I find a child to observe
Professor: Ur, I suggest you contact the education department secretary. She has a list of contacts at various schools and with certain families who are somehow connected to the university. Sometimes they are willing to help out students with projects like yours.
学生问及去哪里找实验对象(小孩儿),教授建议他去找education department secretary EDS,教育部门的秘书,她有一份名单,上面有愿意帮助学生的家庭们,因此选择本题选 B,原文如下:。
Student:Where can I find a child to observe
Professor:Ur, I suggest you contact the education department secretary. She has a list of contacts at various schools and with certain families who are somehow connected to the university.Sometimes they are willing to help out students with projects like yours.
5.Listen again to part of the conversation. Then answer the question. What does the professor mean when she says this:“Ur, that’s the start”
The man’s paper has a strong introduction.
The man has already started his research project.
The assignment cannot be submitted late.
The man does not fully understand assignment.
Professor: Ur, that’s the start, but you need to do some research, too. Then you will write a paper that is not so much about the observations, but a synthesis of what you have observed and read.
男学生说,这次作业做两个 observation 就够了,但是事实上还有一个 paper,所以教授才会说两个 observation 只是一个开始,也就是说,学生没完全理解完这个作业的全部内容,D项正确。
“Professor: Ur, that’s the start, but you need to do some research, too. Then you will write a paper that is not so much about the observations, but a synthesis of what you have observed and read.”
Part 2 City Planning
6.What is the main topic of the lecture
How the first pedestrian mall was developed
How pedestrian malls have affected business in America
Key considerations in creating a pedestrian mall
Ways that cities can better use pedestrian malls
解析:主旨题,全篇文章讲了一个步行街成功的要素,包括 location 和 design,所以选择 C选项。
7.According to the professor, what is the basic reason for building pedestrian malls in the city center
To increase retail activity in the area
To reduce the noise made by automobile traffic
To increase shopping conveniences for city residents
To encourage people to move from the suburbs back into the city center
解析:教授在讲座开头提到最近 15 年美国城市中心的商业环境一直不好,导致了很多经济损失。为了改善这个问题建设了步行街,所以答案是 A。原文如下:
"many American cities have had difficulties in maintaining a successful retail environment...., one way they’ve came up with the some ways to attract more people, to shop downtown was by creating pedestrian malls. 教授在讲座开头提到最近 15 年美国城市中心的商业环境一直不好,导致了很多经济损失。为了改善这个问题建设了步行街,所以答案是 A。
D 选项不可选,逻辑上说,由于市中心居民的外迁,市中心商业环境不好,为了解决这个问题才,所以建立了步行街。因此于是,建立步行街的根本原因其实是要赚钱,而不是让迁出的居民回到市中心。
8.What are two aspects of location that need to be considered when planning a pedestrian mall
Click on 2 answers
The proximity to the customer base
The number of nearby tourist sites
The variety of restaurants in the area
The access to public transportation
解析: 建设步行街有两个主要的考虑因素:地点和设计。关于地点又有两个主要考虑因素:距离顾客居所的距离,和公共交通的便利性,所以选择 AD,原文如下:
In choosing a specific location for pedestrian mall, there are in fact two considerations. Proximity to potential customers, UN…that's we'll call it customer base and accessibility to public transportation which we will get into just a moment. 建设步行街有两个主要的考虑因素:地点和设计。关于地点又有两个主要考虑因素:步行街到顾客居所的距离,和公共交通的便利性,所以选AD。
9.Why does the professor explain the design of a pedestrian mall
To illustrate its importance to the success of a pedestrian mall
To explain why pedestrian malls are so appealing to the shoppers
To point out how a pedestrian mall looks different from other malls
To show how the design is more important than the location
解析:目的题。地点和设计是建设步行街的两个重要因素,教授解释步行街的设计,就是为了强调它的重要性。因此选择 A。文中没有将步行街与其他类型的购物中心进行比较,所以C项 错误。同样也没有说步行街有多么的吸引顾客,B项 错误。教授也没有比较两个因素的重要性,D项 错误。
10. Why does the professor mention the Louisville, Kentucky pedestrian mall
To discuss her favorite pedestrian mall to visit
To illustrate how a pedestrian mall can overcome financial difficulties
To give an example of a typical, American pedestrian mall
To show how poor planning can affect the success of a pedestrian mall
解析:目的题。举例子是为了支持观点,在提到 LK 之前,教授谈及缺少了重要的设计元素会影响步行街的成功,因此选择 D,原文如下:
Now, this takes a careful and creative planning. But now what if one ingredient to this planning recipe is missing There could quite be possibly long lasting effects. And I think a good example is pedestrian mall in the Louisville Kentucky for instance. 目的题。举例子是为了支持观点,在提到Louisville Kentucky 之前,教授谈及缺少了重要的设计元素会影响步行街的成功,因此选择 D。
11. What does the professor mean when she says this ...
Art is of little importance in designing a pedestrian mall.
There should be a wide variety of art on display in pedestrian malls.
Art is a key feature in the designing of a pedestrian mall.
Most pedestrian mall designers do not like art as much as she does.
解析:(原文中)重听题。“Well, design doesn't necessarily include things like sculptures or decorative walkways or… or even eye catching window displays, you know art. Although I bet the first to admen those things are ascetically appealing,”
重听句子说明 ARTart 在步行街的建设中并不重要,转折句只是教授自己承认art ART 的确具有美观性,但并没有承认其在步行街建设当中的重要性,因此选择 A。
Part 3 Ecology
12. What is the class mainly discussing
How beavers select the ecosystem where they live
How ecosystem differ form on another
The impact of human activities on an ecosystem
The role of one species in an ecosystem
解析:主旨题。整个讲座都是围绕着 beaver (海狸)进行的,所以选择 D。C项 不可选,因为当提到人类的到来时,教授想要说明的是,人类捕杀了海狸导致了生态系统的紊乱,主题还是海狸。
13. Why does the professor interrupt the student when he first mentions
European settlement in North America
She had already mentioned that point.
She thinks the information he gave is unrelated to the topic.
She prefers to present the information in the lecture in a specific order.
She questions the accuracy of his point.
OK, wait, I see where you are heading with this, but before we go into how European settlement affected the ecosystem, tell me this--- what kind of environment do beavers live in Think about what it was like before the Europeans settlers came, we’ll come back to where you were headed.
学生男青年想要讲到欧洲人进入美洲的时候教授打断了他,并要求学生女青年说明海狸居住的生态环境,因为男生青年说得太快,没说到教授想听的东西。所以选择 C。原文如下:
but before we go into how European settlement affected the ecosystem, tell me this--- what kind of environment do beavers live in
14. What does the professor say about still water and swiftly flowing water
Beavers cannot adapt to living near swiftly flowing water.
Still water and swiftly flowing water support similar ecosystems.
Still water supports more life than swiftly flowing water.
Wetland areas include large quantities of swiftly flowing water.
More important for our discussion, wetland areas support a lot more variety of life than swiftly flowing water.讲座中提到了 still water(静水)和 swiftly flowing water((流动水))。由于 beavers 喜欢制造 dam,所以他们阻隔了水的流动,形成了静水和 wetland,这种环境能够支持更多的鱼和岸边生物生活,同时也能储存更多的地下水。因此可以判断,C 为正确选项。原文如下:
More important for our discussion, wetland areas support a lot more variety of life than swiftly flowing water.A 说反了,物种数量差别很大所以 B 错误,wetland 是由 still water 生成的所以 D 错误。
15. According to the professor, what was the impact of the extensive hunting of beavers in North America
It led to a decrease in the number of wetlands.
It led to a decrease in the number of swiftly flowing streams.
It led to an increase in the number of other animal species in the wetlands.
It led to an increase in the amount of groundwater.
解析: 教授认为beaver和物种增加之间的关系是:beaver 本身建造水坝—-->生成静水—-->生成 wetland—-->物种增加。,因此所以 beaver 的数量和 wetland 应为正比关系,所以欧洲殖民者对于 beaver 的捕杀会间接导致 wetland 的减少,wetland 物种的减少。因此选项 B,C 错误。still water有助于储存 groundwater(地下水),beaver 的减少导致 still water 也减少,所以 groundwater 减少,D 项错误。最后的正确选项是 A。
16. Why does the professor say this: …
To point out that some terms have different meanings in other fields
To indicate that she is not going to explain the term
To defend a point she made earlier about ecosystems
To clarify a term used in biology
解析:重听题:。“The term keystone kind of explains itself. In architecture, a keystone in an archway or doorway is the stone that holds the whole thing together, and keeps it from collapsing. ”这句话是对于 keystone species 的含义的解释,所以选择 D。keystone 在建筑学的含义其实与生物学几乎相同,所以 A项 错误。
17. What does the professor imply when she says this: …
Beaver dams would cause floods in many areas where people now live.
Beaver dams would cause most of the water supply to be inaccessible.
Large areas of land would become unusable by humans.
More groundwater would be available for human consumption.
解释:重听题:。“imagine if we still have all those beavers around, all those wetlands. What would our water supply be like then ”之前已经说过 beaver 能制造 wetland, wetland 可以存储地下水。所以如果 beaver 没有遭到捕杀,那么地下水储量会增大,也就不会造成现在的紧缺。所以 D项正确。
Part 1
1.What are the speakers mainly discussing
How to use the language lab
Howe to make a video for the class
How to reserve a study room in the library
How to improve study habits
解析:主旨题。男生青年来到 lab 借 video 来看,然后管理员姐姐跟他介绍了一系列要求,所以选项 A 正确。男生青年在一个 lab 而不是 library 里面,而且对话也不仅仅是关于如何订座位的,所以 C 错误。
2. How is the language lab different form the library
The language lab closes much earlier than the library does.
More students go to the library after dinner than to the language lab.
Students cannot remove educational materials from the language lab.
There are more rooms where students can work in groups in the library.
Student:So, it is a video library, basically
Manager:Yes, but unlike the library, you can't take any videos out of the lab.
细节题。对话中提到了 library,主要是为了突出 lab 的特殊性:一切材料均不能带走。原文如下:
Student:So, it is a video library, basically
Manager:Yes, but unlike the library, you can't take any videos out of the lab.
所以正确选项为 C。
3. When can students reserve a room in the language lab
Click on 2 answers.
When they arrive at the lab
After their professor signs a certain form
When all the members of a study group hove signed in
The day before they want to use room
解析:(原文中)“You need to sign in to reserve an open room and sign out the video you need,” “but you can sign up the day before to reserve the room if you are. ”多选题。原文当中提到了两种预定 lab 房间的方法,原文如下:
“You need to sign in to reserve an open room and sign out the video you need,” “but you can sign up the day before to reserve the room if you are.”
也就是说,一共有两种方法,:现场签到和提前预定,所以正确选项为 AD。
4. What will the student probably do next
Ask a classmate to watch a video with him
Sign out a Spanish video
Find out when the video he needs will be available
Buy a copy of the video series
Manager: No problem, we've got a lot of rooms open right now. When you come in, you sign your name on the list and I signed the room number or if you call that event that it attended tell you your room number, if you forget, just come in and take a look at the list. The videos are over there. 推理题。对话的最后部分管理员姐姐告诉了男生青年应该怎么做,并且告诉他“The videos are over there.” 原文如下:
Manager:No problem, we've got a lot of rooms open right now. When you come in, you sign your name on the list and I signed the room number or if you call that event that it attended tell you your room number, if you forget, just come in and take a look at the list. The videos are over there. 所以接下来,男生青年要去拿 video 了,正确选项为 B。
5. Listen again to part of the conversation. Then answer the question. What does the woman imply
She confused the man for another student who had visited the lab earlier in the day.
The man is mistaken about how many videos are in the series.
The language lab does not own the whole series of videos the man needs.
The man is not familiar with the procedures used at the language lab.
Student:So, I can just take....err.....Can I take the whole series home I think there are three of them.
Manager: I guess you haven't been here before.
重听题。男生青年想把 video 带回家,管理员问他“你新来的吧?”也就是说男生青年对于 lab 的要求规矩(procedures)并不熟悉,答案选择 D。
Student:So, I can just take....err.....Can I take the whole series home I think there are three of them.
Manager: I guess you haven't been here before.
Part 2 Poetry
6. What is the main purpose of the lecture
To investigate the information known about the troubadours
To explain the role of patriotic poetry during medieval times
To explain why opinions about knights changed during the medieval period
To compare two different types of medieval poems
解析:(原文中) Professor:OK, so the two poems we are looking at today fall into the category of medieval times, which was how long ago
Professor:OK, so the two poems we are looking at today fall into the category of medieval times, which was how long ago
因此正确答案为 D。
7. According to the professor, who was the intended audience for chanson poetry
Click on 2 answers.
解析:(原文中)Now they were called songs of deeds because strangely enough, they were written to describe the heroic deeds or actions of warriors, the knights during conflicts. We don’t know a lot about the authors, it still contests somewhat. But we are pretty sure about who the Chanson poems were written for. That is---they were written for the knights and the lords---the nobility that they served.
多选题,Chanson oetryCP 主要描绘了一些爱国主义色彩的英雄事迹,以激励贵族和骑士们,因此这种诗歌的主要读者(听众)是the knights and the lords。正确答案为AC。原文如下
8. According to the professor what is true about the hero in chanson poetry and the in romance poetry
Click in the correct box for each phrase
Is admired for loyalty to country√
Engages in conflict for adventure√
Is willing to fact extreme dangers to protect
the lord√
Is concerned with individual improvement√
解析:(原文中)“He’s a, he has a, he’s a skilled fighter, willing to face the most extreme dangers, sacrificial, willing that sacrifice anything and everything to protect his king and country.” “He does it for the sake of adventure, to improve himself, to show his worthy of respect and love for his lady. ”多选题。讲座是关于两种 poem,它们分别描述了两种不同类型的 Hero,Chanson Poem里面的hero是很爱国(patriotic),对主人忠诚无比的那种铁血猛男;而 Romance Poem 里面的的 hero则是为了讨得姑娘的欢心和为了证明自己而战的那种~~证据如下:。
“He’s a, he has a, he’s a skilled fighter, willing to face the most extreme dangers, sacrificial, willing that sacrifice anything and everything to protect his king and country.” “He does it for the sake of adventure, to improve himself, to show his worthy of respect and love for his lady.”综上所述,Chanson诗歌的特点是 的就是 1 和 3,Romance诗歌 的特点就是 2 和 4。.
9. Why does the professor mention that romance poems often included biographical sketches
To emphasize the similarities between chanson authors and romance authors
To explain why the social status of troubadours is known today
To point out why the biographical sketchesare reliable sources of information
To provide evidence that many troubadours were also historians
(原文中)And we know a lot more about the troubadours than we do about the Chanson authors, because they often had small biographical sketches added to their poems that gives more specific information about their social status, geographical location and small outlines of their career.
目的题。教授在讲 Romance poem 的时候提到了 Romance Poem 里面有一些传记式的片段,比如就是人物生平什么的,,是为了支持之前的观点:Troubadours(Romance PoemRP 的作者们,吟游行吟诗人)的社会地位为人们所知。原文如下:
And we know a lot more about the troubadours than we do about the Chanson authors, because they often had small biographical sketches added to their poems that gives more specific information about their social status, geographical location and small outlines of their career.
所以正确答案是 B。~
10. What does the professor say about the political climate during the time troubadours were writing poetry
It enabled chanson poetry to gain wide popularity over romance poetry.
It gave the troubadours time to devote themselves to writing poetry.
It inspired troubadours to write poetry that described their lord’s deeds.
It made it difficult for troubadours to travel safely within their country.
解析:(原文中)“More peaceful times meant there was more time for education, travel, more time for reflection.”
在讲到Romance poem的特别性的时候,教授先说 RP 它比 Chanson Poem 出现的晚,然后提到了当时的社会背景,用来解释其特别性产生之处的原因,原文如下;:
“More peaceful times meant there was more time for education, travel, more time for reflection.”
和平时代给了诗人们更多的时间去创作。,所以正确选项为 B。AD项 没有提到,C 项说反了,Chanson PoemP才是写给贵族们看的。
11. Why does the professor say this: …
To indicate that he understands why the student may be confused
To emphasize that the student has asked a very important question
To remind the student that she may know the answer to her own question
To invite other members of the class to answer the question
解析:重听题。“Professor:Well, think back to the very beginning of this course.”
重听题只看重听句且直接理解语义即可本题只看重听句且直接理解语义即可,所以教授说:Well, think back to the very beginning of this course.想想这门课开始(我们(讲的东西),言下之意意思就是这个讲过了,也就是这个女青年应该知道自己问的这个问题的的答案。因此选择 C。
Part 3 Astronomy
12. What is the main topic of the lecture
The major differences between meteors and meteorites
The origins of comets and asteroids
The nature and origin of meteorites
The similarities between objects in the inner solar system
解析:主旨题。同样在讲座最开头找答案,最开始教授说要讲不同种类的 meteoroids,但是后来用了大篇幅去解释它的起源,然后又给了 meteoroid 的分类,最后才讲到了 meteorite,并对其进行分类阐述,所以其实讲座的 main topic 是 meteorite。故C为正确选项。
13. What comparison does the professor make to help describe the composition of asteroids and comets
He compares them to stars.
He compares them to types of planets.
He compares them to rocks on Earth.
He compares them to meteors and meteorites.
解析:(原文中)The terrestrial planets--like Mars and Earth--composed largely of rocks and metals, and the large gas giants, like Jupiter. Well, the solar system also has two analogous classes of objects, smaller than planets--namely, asteroids and comets. 细节题。教授为了说明asteroids岩石 A 和 Comets 的区别,先讲用了行星系统里面的两种行星:固体和气体行星,以进行对比。原文如下
"The terrestrial planets--like Mars and Earth--composed largely of rocks and metals, and the large gas giants, like Jupiter. Well, the solar system also has two analogous classes of objects, smaller than planets--namely, asteroids and comets."
因此正确答案为 B。A项 中的 star 指的是恒星,错误。,其余选项均未提及。
14. What does the professor say about the origin of meteors and meteorites
They are pieces of asteroids or comets.
They are pieces of the planets in our solar system.
They are made from minerals that are otherwise uncommon in our solar system.
Their origin cannot be determined.
解析:(原文中)“And it's from meteoroids that we get meteors and meteorites. "Roids" are, for the most part anyway, they are just smaller bits of asteroids and comets.”
细节题。讲到 meteors 和 meteorites 的起源时,原文如下:教授说meteors 和 meteorites 是来自meteoroids,而meteoroids来自asteroids和comets。
“And it's from meteoroids that we get meteors and meteorites. "Roids" are, for the most part anyway, they are just smaller bits of asteroids and comets.”
因此答案为 A。
15. According to the professor, what feature of a meteoroid generally determines whether the meteoroid becomes a meteorite
Whether it was originally part of a larger meteoroid
Whether it originated in the inner or outer solar system
What proportion of iron and stone it contains
How large it is when it enters the Earth’s atmosphere
解析:(原文中)“They're called meteors. Most of them are very small, and they burn up soon after entering earth’s atmosphere. The larger ones that make it through the atmosphere and hit the ground are called meteorites.”
细节题。meteoroid 是流星体,在此门类下有两个分类,meteor(流星)和 meteorite(陨石),两者的区别就是大小,后者较大,原文如下:。
“They're called meteors. Most of them are very small, and they burn up soon after entering earth’s atmosphere. The larger ones that make it through the atmosphere and hit the ground are called meteorites.”
16. What are two points the professor makes about stone meteorites
Click on 2 answers.
They are the type of meteorite that most commonly falls to the ground.
They are type of meteorite most often seen in museums.
They are the oldest type of meteorite found on the ground
They are the most difficult type of meteorite to find on the ground
解析:多选题。讲到 stone meteorites 的时候教授提及了:
“They actually account for almost all of the meteorite material that falls to earth.… ” “But even so, it's rare to ever find one. I mean, it's easier to find an iron meteorite or stony iron. ”综上所述。stone meteorites经常出现,但是很难找到。下文中通过师生互动的形式详细阐述了原因:它主要由石头做成,不好找到,不像有金属成分的陨石可以使用金属探测器找到。所以选择 AD。B项 说反了,C项 未提及。
17. Why does the professor say this: …
To offer a hint about the answer to a question he asked
To clarify a question that a student asked
To find out whether students understand question he asked
To find out whether students understand an important comparison he made
解析:重听题。“And, if you're trying to find metal”教授只说了抛出来了半句话:“And, if you're trying to find metal”,并且用的是然后是升调,实际上也就是问句语气,是在引导学生回答后半句,学生的确回答了:“Oh! Metal detectors!”所以 A 是正确选项,教授的问话是hint(提示)。教授这句话不是陈述句,没有阐述任何事实,也没有回答任何问题,所以 B项 错误;重听句本身就是一个问题,不是对于已经问过的问题的确认,所以 C项 错误;虽然原文中的确存在 stony 和 iron 的对比,但是重听句并不是为了确认学生是否明白这个对比,只是为了引导学生自己进行联想,所以答案 D项 也错误。