错误思路:主题题 目的题 推断题 细节题 重听题等题型
首先分析目的题,以TPO24L1Moderndance 为例。该题对应原文如下:
Um... what mademodern dance so radical?
Well, for example,I think the best analogy to modern dance is modern art or modern music.Compared to their classical predecessors, these newer art forms are freer, moreexperimental, more improvisational.
题目为Why doesthe professor mention modern art and modern music,于是自然而然被归类为目的题。但我讲课关注的是你如何才能预判出这儿会出题。要做到预判,需要你听出来学生问了一个问题,老师通过例子来回答,所以题目会考到这个例子,而非你立刻感觉到这儿会出目的。另一角度,如果这个题干换成what does the professor say about modern art and modern dance,题目要考察的知识点是一样的,只是换个说法,于是很多人就归类为细节题。你试想下,明明在考同一个知识点,却只是因为题干的疑问词不同,于是归类成不同的题型,这在逻辑上有多可笑?!
接下来分析推断题,以TPO31L4为例。文章讲Botai people养马及其证据。最后一段原文如下:
Now, later on, people of the same region,northern Kazakhstan, started raising sheep and cattle. And that led to a morenomadic culture.Since sheep and cattle can't survive harsh climates, they needed to be taken south every winter.Moving around meant working harder butthe trade-off was far richer, fattier milk year round and warm clothing from the sheep.
该题题干为What does theprofessor imply about the people in ancient Kazakhstan when they startedraising sheep and cattle?
正确选项为They realized that a nomadic lifestyle offered benefits that outweighed the hard work。
另一个角度,分析考场行为。如何预判这里会出题,是想到会出推断题吗?绝不是!而是Now引入新一段内容后用but引出转折,从而判断出会考题。所以,题干里的imply infer都只是虚幌,只是一种表达方式,换成sayillustrate demonstrate没有任何差别!重点不是题目怎么问的,而是题目究竟在问什么!!
All right,so now we've talked about folk legends and seen that their... one of their keyfeatures is there's usually some real history behind them.They are often aboutreal people, so you can identify with the characters, and that's what engagesus in them.The particular stories might not be true and some of the charactersor events might be made up.But there's still a sense that the story could havebeen true since it is about a real person.
题干为Whatdoes the professor find appealing about folk legends?
正确选项为They are somewhat realistic。归类为细节题的唯一理由是题干出现what。从内容角度看,这一段话的段意句就是第一句,后面都是在重复解释,所以考察的不是细节而是段意。从考点角度看,第一句出现非常明显的信号词Key。因此无论从哪个角度,题目归类为细节题都不合适。再分析考场行为,没有人会预判这儿会出现细节题所以会考,而是听到Key预判会出强调考点的题目。所以,将很多题无故归为细节题又是只看题干疑问词而且完全忽略考场行为的大错特错的行为。
最后是重听题,我想说明的核心点是重听只是一种考察形式。它只是一种形!式!你需要理解的是,这个题目在考察你什么知识点,而非表象。比如我下面要说的话“好多南方人不会儿化音,你看人家北京人,啧啧”。重听题问“why does the professor say this,你看人家北京人,啧啧”,答案显而易见,是为了说明南方人不会儿化音。所以这个题目考查的是听文章时是否能够预判老师是在通过对比解释南方人特征。你绝不会想,哇,天哪,它要考我重听了唉!!