
2022-06-04 23:36:12


  Lecture 1

  1. What is the main purpose of the lecture? 【内容主旨题】

  A. To provide an example of a practical use of nanotechnology.

  B. To show the origins of the field of nanotechnology.

  C. To give a brief outline of the main concepts of nanotechnology.

  D. To explain the growing interest in nanotechnology research.



  解析:(从20秒开始,原文重现:So, I want to talk about how nanotechnology is being used today. And just to give you an idea, we’ll look at one particular application.)


  选项A的an example of a practical use与原文意思一致,通过例子来解释纳米技术的运用,故选项正确; B未提及纳米技术的起源origins; C的a brief outline一个简短的概述在原文中未被提及;D的growing interest逐渐增长的兴趣在原文中也未被提及。

  2. How does the professor organize the information he presents to the class? 【组织结构题】

  A. He describes the inspiration behind the nanocoating, then how the coating works.

  B. He describes how the nanocoating is currently marketed, then the inspiration behind it.

  C. He explains how fogging occurs, then the basic concepts of nanotechnology.

  D. He explains how fogging occurs, then how the nanocoating prevents it.



  解析:(从54秒开始,原文重现:Now, fogging often occurs when a cold surface comes into contact with warm moist air, such as when a glass shower door or mirror fogs up during a warm shower.

  Now, what's actually happening is, what the fog is, is thousands of tiny spherical water droplets condensing on the surface of the glass. Light hits the water droplets and is scattered in random directions, causing the fogging effect.

  Now, the kind of spray-on treatments I mentioned. Well, they wear off. What happens is they cause the tiny water droplets to flatten when they condense on the surface of the shower door or bathroom mirror or whatever object it is, it's been applied to.)



  3. According to the professor, how does the new nanocoating work? 【细节题】

  A. By forcing light to bounce off a glass-coated polymer.

  B. By forcing water droplets to roll off an ultrathin surface.

  C. By causing water droplets to merge into a single sheet of water.

  D. By causing light to scatter randomly in many directions.


  破题关键词汇:new nanocoating

  解析:(从2:34秒开始,原文重现:The coating prevents fog from developing, because it loves water. It attracts the water droplets, sucking them into the tiny pores. And that alters the shape of the droplets. The droplets are forced to flatten and to join together into a single sheet of water, rather than remaining as single droplets, each of which is a sphere that scatters light in different directions.)


