的重要备考资料就是TPO。听力真题的答案解析则是重中之重,因为它直接给到了我们答题方法和思路,教会我们怎么应对托福听力考试。今天tpo35听力Lecture 2 答案解析,希望大家认真领会学习,不断提高听力水平。
1. B 选项正确
"One of the frustrating things about archaeology, especially for beginning students, is that theories are constantly evolving. A theory that has been accepted for many years may suddenly be called into question."
• A 选项说"Natufian盖庇护所的技术",未提及,故排除。
• C选项说"不同的hunter-gatherer群体应对气候的策略",未提及,故排除。
• D 选项说"Natufian发展为农业社会的过程",未提及,故排除。
”It has been widely accepted that about 15,000 years ago, the Natufians developed a sedentary lifestyle.”原文中明确指出1,5000年前,Natufians开始驻扎生活。
• A选项说“他们迁移到了地中海东部",文章中有提到Natufians是在地中海东部被发现,但未提及是 在1,5000年前迁移到了那里,故排除。
• B选项说“他们只做了先进的捕猎工具”,未提及,故排除。
• C选项说“他们开始培育多种粮食”,未提及,故排除。
"Anyway, after being sedentary for around 2,000 years, something happened that forced the Natufians to change their life style. The general consensus is that there was a period of climatic cooling which had a negative effect on the availability of food.
And this food shortage likely caused the Natufians to revert to a nomadic lifestyle. Then, around 11,500 years ago, the climate warmed again. Food became more abundant, and people in that area became sedentary again."文章中明确指出两次气候变化造成的结果,故选项AB正确。
• C选项说"气候变暖使得他们不再种植barley,而是其他的crops",未提及,故排除。
• D选项说"气冷暖交替迫使他们发展新的农业技术",未提及,故排除。
文章中在提到支持Natufians是驻扎的时候,引出3个原因,第二个原因即为"And secondly, the floors on these structures were elevated. This design would have been consistent with the need to keep the barley dry and safe from rodents. So, that makes sense.”故选项C正确。
• A选项说“为了展示史前人们使用的高超科学技术“,未提及,故排除。
• B选项说“为了说明Levant这个地方总是会定期发洪水”,未提及,故排除。
• D选项说“为了解释1,5000年前很常见的建筑方法“,未提及,故排除。
"There are doubts about the use of these earlier structures. Researchers point to the lack of grain remnants in these earlier structures. In fact, things other than grains have been found in them. So, at the very least, they say, these structures probably had multiply purposes. And another problem they point to you is that most early settlements have only one of these so called storage structures, but do you think one structure would be enough to hold the surplus for an entire settlement?" 文章中明确指出两个怀疑的原因,分别对应BC选项,故选项BC正确。
• A选项说"那个时期没有磨grain的工具",支持的原因中有提到圆形器皿是用来磨grain的,反对原因中未提及这一点,故排除。
• D选项说"那个时期圆形器皿中还剩着些微grain的残渣”,与原文相反,故排除。
"and if the Natufians could move the materials over great distances"
"But this evidence of sedentism has also been called into question. Because the materials used to make the stone mortars did originally come from quite a distance, and if the Natufians could move the materials over great distances…”
• A选项说"为了指出她不确定这些材料的来源“,此推测没有根据,故排除。
• B选项说"为了说明Natufians的居住区域很大“,此推测没有根据,故排除。
• C选项说"为了指出料技是如何推进Natufians生活的“,此推测没有根据,故排除。
以上就是今天网带给大家的托福听力备考内容:tpo35听力Lecture 2 答案解析,希望大家认真领会学习,不断提高托福听力水平。更多托福精彩内容,请关注网论坛!