
2022-06-05 11:35:28

  TPO听力资料是同学们提高tpo37听力conversation 1 题目及答案,希望同学们在网能够收获有益的托福知识,托福听力考试取得好成绩!

  Conversation 1

    1.Why does the student go to see the professor

    A To request extra time to complete an assignment

    B To explain why she will miss the next class

    C To clarify the requirements of a class assignment

    D To discuss the results of a lab experiment

    2.What does the professor imply about the student's extended field trip

    A He would like to know more about the fieldwork the student did.

    B He was unaware of the problems the student had on the trip.

    C He knew that there would be problems on the trip.

    D He has been in similar situations himself.

    3.What fact from the radio interview with an ecologist surprised the student

    A Global warming may be less harmful to biodiversity than oil palm cultivation.

    B Global warming may have benefited some species of butterflies.

    C Oil palm cultivation has contributed greatly to global warming.

    D Oil palm tree populations have suffered as a result of global warming.

    4.What advantages of the oil palm do the speakers mention

    Click on 3 answers.

    A It resists damage from imported insects.

    B It is an easy crop to grow.

    C It creates a habitat for rare animal species.

    D It is used in a wide range of products.

    E It has a positive impact on communities where it is grown.

    5.Why does the professor tell the student about the importation of cane toads to Australia

    A To remind the student of a topic she studied last semester

    B To provide an example of a concept he is describing

    C To explain the purpose of the lab assignment the student will work on

    D To amuse the student with an anecdote from his own student days


    6.Why does the professor compare isotopes to fingerprints

    A To provide support for an argument

    B To clarify a difficult concept

    C To identify a problem with the research study

    D To suggest a way to test a theory

    7.What point does the professor emphasize about the region examined in the study he describes

    A Its steep mountainous position exaggerates the effects of water flow there.

    B Its dry climate limits how much information it can yield about water movement.

    C Its rainfall patterns and soil conditions are not typical of conditions in all regions.

    D Its soil absorbs water at a much greater rate than soil in a more temperate climate.

    8.What did the researchers discover about small soil pores

    A Small pores make the movement of water through soil difficult to trace.

    B The number of small pores in the soil of a specific area is related to the number of hydrogen isotopes there

    C Trees receive less water from small pores than from large pores.

    D Small pores retain water longer than previously thought.

    9. In the soil examined by the researchers, what happens to rainwater that falls toward the end of the rainy season

    A Most of it moves through the soil to nearby streams.

    B Most of it is absorbed by trees.

    C It is more likely to pick up pollutants underground.

    D Researchers have been unable to track its entire path.

    10.What is the professor's opinion about the research findings

    A The findings provided valuable insights for a research study he conducted.

    B The findings support a different conclusion than the one the researchers have drawn.

    C The findings will have an impact on other fields of research.

    D The findings are not conclusive because the movement of pollutants was not tracked.

    11.What is the main purpose of the lecture

    A To point out the flaws in a newly proposed theory

    B To describe a new understanding of a basic process in soil hydrology

    C To address concerns about using stable isotope analysis

    D To provide an explanation of a study described in the class's textbook

    Lecture 2

    12.What is the purpose of the lecture

    A To review important concepts from a previous class

    B To provide some background for a painting the class will be discussing

    C To compare two styles of painting

    D To prepare students for an upcoming project

    13.Why does the professor mention books and a map

    A To give examples of objects that are not typically used in still-life paintings

    B To give examples of elements of still-life paintings used in other genres of painting

    C To explain what inspired him to create a still-life painting at university

    D To explain why still-life paintings are often studied in beginning art classes

    14.According to the professor, why did artists like James Peale adopt a scientific approach to still- life painting

    A Their paintings were used to illustrate scientific journals.

    B They had studied science at university before becoming artists.

    C They were interested in exploring the natural world through their art.

    D They were interested in experimenting with nuances of color.

    15.Why does the professor tell the story about his own painting of some vegetables

    A To emphasize the importance of planning the composition of a still-life painting

    B To encourage the use of a variety of objects in a still-life painting

    C To capture the attention of students who are not interested in still-life paintings

    D To reassure the students that still-life paintings are not difficult to execute

    16.What point does the professor make about negative space in still-life paintings

    A It is overused in many still-life paintings.

    B It contributes to the balance in the composition of a still-life painting.

    C It often causes still-life paintings to look deliberately planned.

    D It may detract from the simplicity of the composition of a still-life painting

    17.Why does the professor say this:

    A To clarify the first step of painting a still life

    B To explain why he decided to become a still-life artist

    C To introduce a painting he is going to describe

    D To convince students that painting a still life can be rewarding



















  以上就是今天网给同学们带来的托福听力备考资料tpo37听力conversation 1 题目及答案,希望同学们在网能够每天都有进步和提高,托福考试取得好成绩!
