Lecture 1
1. What is thelecture mainly about? 【题型】内容主旨题
O Various methods that ants use to locate food
O A collective behavior common to humans and animals
O A type of animal behavior and its application by humans
O Strategies that flocks of birds use to stay in formation
2. According to theprofessor, what behavior plays an important role in the way ants obtain food? 【题型】细节题
O Ants usually take a different path when they return to their nest.
O Ants leave chemical trails when they are outsidethe nest.
O Small groups of ants search in different locations.
O Ants leave pieces of food along the path asmarkers.
破题关键词汇:behavior,obtain food
3.What are two principles of swarm intelligence basedon the ant example?
(Click on 2answers.) 【题型】细节题
□ Individuals are aware of the group goal.
□ Individuals act on information in their localenvironment.
□ Individuals follow a leader’s guidance.
□ Individuals instinctively follow a set of rules.
4. According to theprofessor, what path is followed by both telephone calls on a network and antsseeking food? 【题型】细节题
O The path with the leastamount of activity
O The most crowded path
O The path that is mostreinforced
O The path that has intermediate stopping points
破题关键词汇:what path,telephone calls
5.Why does the professor mention movies? 【题型】组织结构题
O To identify movie scenes with computer-simulated flocks of birds
O To identify a good source of information about swarm intelligence
O To emphasize how difficult it still is to simulate bird flight
O To explain that some special effects in movies are based on swarmintelligence
6.What is the professor’s attitude about attempts tocreate computer-generated crowds of people? 【题型】态度题
O She believes that the rules of birds’ flocking behavior do not applyto group behavior in humans.
O She thinks that crowd scenes could be improved by using the behaviorof ant colonies as a model.
O She is surprised by how realistic the computer-generated crowds are.
O She is impressed that computer graphics can create such a wide rangeof emotions.
破题关键词汇:computer-generated crowds of people
托福tpo lecture听力部分答案如上文所述,已经给出大家答案了,但最好同学们先去网的模考系统做一下题,再来对照答案,这样更能学到东西哦~