托福听力一个月备考计划表【第21天 TPO22 Lecture2】

2022-06-05 01:24:11


  篇目:TPO 22 Lecture 2(Astronomy- Faint Young Sun Paradox) 【TPO22听力文本(Conversation+Lecture)】

  很多同学都说天文学是听力中最难的,因为不仅抽象,还会出现很多没听说过的专业名词,比如公认比较难的TPO22L2,这篇讲“弱阳吊诡”理论的文章一开头就把大家听晕了,什么paradox,pebble,fossilized algae, hydrogen, helium, stellar evolution这样的专业天文词汇一下子如大波僵尸扑面而来,反应速度着实有点儿跟不上。


  13.Why is geological evidence of liquid water on Earth and Mars three to four billion years ago problematic?

  A.It suggests that the solar system is younger than it could possibly be.

  B.It suggests that the young Sun was less bright than it is today.

  C.It challenges the prevailing model of star formation.

  D. It contradicts theories about the beginning of the universe.


  Now,this apparent contradiction between geologic evidence and the stellar evolution model became known as the faint young Sun paradox.

  既然“地质学证据”与“星体进化模型”是“互相矛盾”的,那么,他们就像情敌见面分外眼红一样,彼此都容不得对方的存在。“地质学证据”没有问题,问题在于“星体进化模型”非得跟他对着干;“星体进化模型”也挺好的,可就是“地质学证据”总招惹他。谁让他们是一对矛盾呢!彼此的存在才是最大的问题!因此,我们很容易就可以看出,13题应当选择C选项——geological evidence最大的敌人在于model of star formation,也就是stellar evolution model。
