托福听力一个月备考计划表【第11天 TPO10】

2022-06-01 00:15:57

  托福听力一个月备考计划表【第11天 TPO10】。希望对你们有帮助。

  今天想要和大家分享TPO 10听力【TPO10听力文本】中的海洋生物学的演讲中的一些细节,讲述的是鲸类的起源。建议大家在做这篇听力文章之前先翻开第4版

  TPO 10海洋生物学这篇听力文章出现了一个5选3的题目

  ○ It had an elongated skeletal structure

  ○ It strongly resembled a modern hippopotamus

  ○ It had an unusually kind and thintail for a whale

  ○ It had limbs that could have been used for walking

  ○ Its skull had ear bones characteristic of land mammals


  The name Ambulocetus natans comes from Latin of course, and means “walking whale that swims”. It clearly had four limbs that could have been used for walking. It also had a long thin tail, typical of mammals, something we don’t see in today’s whales. But,italso had a long skeletal structure. And that long skeletal structure suggests that it was aquatic.


