托福听力资料下载: 生命科学——动物行为学科和助听词汇

2022-05-23 07:54:43

     词汇的积累是和文章的阅读理解密不可分的。因此: 生命科学——动物行为学科和助听词汇,不仅有词汇还准备了相关


Displacement activities occur when an animal experiences high motivation for two or more conflicting behaviors: the resulting displacement activity is usually unrelated to the competing motivations. Birds, for example, may peck at grass when uncertain whether to attack or flee from an opponent; similarly, a human may scratch his or her head when they do not know which of two options to choose. Displacement activities may 

also occur when animals are prevented from performing a single behavior for which they are highly motivated. Displacement activities often involve actions which bring comfort to the animal such as scratching, preening, drinking or feeding.



engaging in 从事于

conflicted 冲突,矛盾

irrelevant 不相干的

inappropriate 不切当的

makes sense 讲的通

circumstances 环境

confronting the object 面对这个东西

drive=urge 驱动

inhibit=hold back 抑制

getting in a way 阻碍


stimulus 刺激

get ruffled 鸟受惊而羽毛竖立的

tidy themselves up 整理他们自己 



mating ritual 交配行为

grooming 修饰打扮

feeding 吃、进食

bird’s feather 鸟的羽毛

animal’s fur 动物的皮毛

horizontal branch水平的树枝

vertical branch垂直的树枝

breast feathers胸部的羽毛

以上就是网今天的学习内容托福听力资料下载: 生命科学——动物行为学科和助听词汇。更多托福资料,请大家去网免费下载。

