
2022-06-02 12:47:42


  15. According to the professor, why did the piano become more popular than the harpsichord'? D

  A. Piano music was easier to compose than harpsichord music

  B. Piano music was better for accompanying the popular new dances ofthe 1700s

  C. The piano had a more attractive size and shape than the harpsichord.

  D. The piano could express a wider range of emotions than the harpsichord.


  Well,the percussive effect of those little hammers means that the pianist, unlike the harpsichordist, can control the dynamics of the sound - how softly or loudly each note is struck, hence the name, pianoforte, soft and loud. Now artistically for both composers and performers this was a major turning point. This brand new instrument, capable of producing loud and soft tones, greatly expanded the possibilities for conveying emotion.

