Recently,a Chinese regulatory agency said that most of the goods sold on the Chinese website Alibaba are counterfeit. That means the products are not made by the company that is claimed to be the maker.? ?Alibaba is a website that connects buyers with sellers. The company's chief, Jack Ma, says he has solved the dispute with Chinese officials.? ?China's Alibaba Group has become a major Internet company in a short amount of time. Last year, the company raised $25 billion in its IPO, or initial public offering. The company offered stock shares to the public for the first time last September on the New York Stock Exchange.? ?But recently China's State Administration of Industry and Commerce, SAIC, released a report that said the company has not done enough to stop the Internet sales of illegal goods.? ?Alibaba's Executive Chairman, Jack Ma, said this was not true.? ?"We don't want; we were misunderstood by the world that we're not transparent. We don't want; (we were) misunderstood by the world that Taobao is a platform for selling fake products. And we want this company, I have always said, not to represent China's Internet, it represent the spirit of Internet of the whole world."? ?The SAIC report said that Alibaba employees took bribes and permitted merchants to sell illegal wine, handbags and other goods without the required license. It also said an investigation showed that many of the samples on the Taobao retail website were not licensed products.? ?Alibaba runs Taobao. On January 27th, Taobao rejected the study's findings. The company said the study was unfair.? ?The next day the SAIC released information about a July meeting between its representatives and Alibaba officials. In the meeting, the SAIC informed Alibaba that counterfeit goods were being sold through the website. The agency also told the company that it had violated marketing rules and had a poor consumer rating system.? ?Later, however, tensions between regulators and Alibaba appeared to ease. The SAIC and Taobao both removed the materials from their websites.? ?For many years now, Western companies have accused companies in China of stealing intellectual property and selling illegal products……
Welcome to CNN STUDENT NEWS. My name is Carl Azuz. We are starting today with a recap of a hostage situation that unfolded this week in Australia. In its largest city,Sydney,a gunman entered a cafe Monday and took about 17 people hostage. Australian officials believe he acted alone.
They don't know yet what he wanted or why he targeted the cafe. Officials say the suspect was born in Iran. He considered himself a Muslim religious leader. He had a criminal record in Australia, and experts believe he was inspired by Middle Eastern terrorists groups.
Hours after the standoff began, several of the hostages escaped, and 16 hours into the siege, Australian Special Forces and police storm cafe from two entrances. They killed the gunman and ended the standoff. Two of the hostages died in the siege, four others, including a police officer were injured.
Australian Prime Minister Tony Abbott called it a difficult day, but said Australians had risen to the challenge.