
2022-05-20 17:03:59

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  【主旨】About service office的咨询

  【内容】男生在听一个seminar的时候得知附近的park有志愿者活动,就想参加,然后女老师开始跟他解释有什么工作,男生听了就很迷茫不知道要选哪一个,学生说他以后想当中学的science teacher,女老师就说有两个program他可以做来帮助他以后当老师,他选了后者:研究野生动物迁徙的。然后说如果是正式志愿者的话,可以坐免费的shuttle bus 去park,park的门票也免费。这周六这个学生去体验一下,但是得自己出钱坐bus,如果满意的话下周提交正式文件成为正式志愿者。最后有问说男生礼拜六会去干什么

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  【内容】说一般人都觉得人要连续睡7 ~8 个小时,这时有个男生举手说他每天就睡5~ 6个小时,然后说他的一个室友一天要睡9 ~10个小时,教授说这个男生说得好,教授说以前的人们睡觉分两种:first sleep和second sleep。人们天黑了就去睡一会,然后醒来聊会天,然后再去睡到早上天亮。然后研究就发现,其实这是根据光来决定的,因为那个时候没有电灯,还说有个research验证了这个观点,还举了猫的例子,说猫每天都睡,可是都是睡一会,然后起来玩一会

  Section 4


  【内容】男生去咨询大一的时候上考古学课的教授,开始他问教授还记不记得他,他就是那个刚开始还对这个女教授教的课不怎么感兴趣的那个学生,女教授就记得他,说他最后的paper还是 one of the best(这里有考题:问教授为什么提到这个学生的paper)。然后学生就说写了那个paper之后他就对anthropology特别感兴趣就去学了art history,。然后说他现在在学艺术史,最近在学墨西哥和法国同时出现的某个史前文明,甚至还影响到了毕加索的作品,男生就觉得不同地方同一时期的雕塑家也没有怎么交流过,就创作了这么相似的作品很神奇,男生自己想了解的是这个问题,可是课上不教这个,又觉得这是考古学的范畴,就来问教授转来学考古怎么样,教授说你说的这东西好像和人类学更相关吧。然后说交叉学什么的。

  Section 5


  【内容】土星的一个卫星Enceladus,说上面有水, 是一个类似宇宙照相机拍到的叫虎皮条纹- tiger stripes.然后说正是这点提供了什么证据,然后说内部的能量是太阳光直接照的,还是放射?以及怎么适合生物存在。

  参考文章:Scientists observed water vapor spewing from Enceladus’ surface. This could indicate the presence of liquid water, which might also make it possible for Enceladus to support life. Candice Hansen, a scientist with NASA's Jet Propulsion Lab, headed up a research team on the plumes after they were found to be moving at 2,189 kilometers per hour (1,360 miles per hour). Since that speed is difficult to attain unless liquids are involved, they decided to investigate the compositions of the plumes.

  Eventually it was discovered that in the E-ring about 6% of particles contain 0.5-2% of sodium salts by mass, which is a significant amount. In the parts of the plume close to Enceladus the fraction of "salty" particles increases to 70% by number and >99% by mass. Such particles presumably are frozen spray from the salty underground ocean. On the other hand, the small salt-poor particles form by homogenous nucleation directly from the gas phase. The sources of salty particles are uniformly distributed along the tiger stripes, whereas sources of "fresh" particles are closely related to the high-speed gas jets. The "salty" particles move slowly and mostly fall back onto the surface, while the fast "fresh" particles escape to the E-ring, explaining its salt-poor composition.

  The "salty" composition of the plume strongly suggests that its source is a subsurface salty ocean or subsurface caverns filled with salty water. Alternatives such as the clathrate sublimation hypothesis cannot explain how "salty" particles form. Additionally, Cassini found traces of organic compounds in some dust grains. Enceladus is therefore a candidate for harboring extraterrestrial life.

  The presence of liquid water under the crust implies that there is an internal heat source. It is now thought to be a combination of radioactive decay and tidal heating, as tidal heating alone is not sufficient to explain the heat. Mimas, another of Saturn's moons, is closer to the planet and has a much more eccentric orbit, meaning it should be exposed to far greater tidal forces than Enceladus, and yet its old and scarred surface implies that it is geologically dead.

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  1 女生丢ID card

  2 glial cell

  3 浪漫主义诗人
